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John in Detroit writes:

MS wrote:
"John in Detroit" wrote in message

NO, what I am saying is that pre-amps generate noise,the lower the gain,
the less noise, WAY LESS.

You ask "are you saying Reactive Controls system is better" and I said
NO, I'm not, since I do not have a Reactive Controle unit in hand I
can't say that (NOTE: I'm also not saying it's not better, I simply do
not know) The unit I have is the one from Sound Professionals and it's
the one with just two controls, ON/OFF and roatary

The next thing... Don't take PAs word for it that Chris
(Soundprofessionals) is using level controls on the lower cost box

PA's word for it? (A talking pre-amp? ;-) ) I think you mean SP. Since the
rotary gain control is better than rotary level (it seems like you implied
that), why would he have a gain control and call it level. Besides, if the
rotary dial controlled gain, what need is there for the three position
switch? Which "lower cost box" are you referring to? Both of the products
under discussion here cost about the same ($179).

Sorry... Lost my place in the post, by "PA" I meant Reactive Controls
(RC) My mistake

Finally by "Lower cost box" I mean the one Chris sells without the 3
position gain switch, just the roatary control (As noted above)

I have opened it and looked at it and I think it's a gain control not a
stereo level control.... However in truth I'm not sure

John F Davis, in Delightful Detroit. WA8YXM(at)arrl(dot)net
"Nothing adds excitement like something that is none of your business"

Dear John,

Hey, if you've taken those boxes apart, can you tell me what chips are inside?

I built the following circuit:

The only difference was that I put a gain control in the feedback loop. So,
from OUT to IN- I put a 4.7KR resisitor in series with a 50KR (linear)
pot. From IN- to ground I put a 4.7KR resistor. I replaced the output pot with
a fixed 10KR load resistor. The voltage gain *should* now be approx. 2 to
12.6, or about 6 to 22 in dB.

I'm looking for the same thing you a a moderate boost to record from
reasonably "hot" condenser mics, and variable gain to prevent overloading.

I've used NE5532A and OPA2134 chips so far. They both sound OK, though
I'm looking for the best chip, both in terms of sound and lowest battery
