View Full Version : SONAR 4: Bundle file problem!?!?!

July 7th 05, 03:58 PM
THE PROBLEM in a nutshell: I backed up (my only back up of) a song I
recorded in SONAR 4 and saved it as a bundle (cwb) file. Now when I
attempt to reload it in SONAR 4 it gives me an error message saying
that it is experiencing an unknown error accessing the file. I just
found out now that SONAR 4 has a 2gb limit on bundle files, but it
created it...why can't it open it up?

Is there any way to retrieve my months of work?

Please, any help will greatly help!

Thank you!

dallamsorgan [at] yahoo [dot] com

July 8th 05, 06:56 PM
Dallam wrote:
> THE PROBLEM in a nutshell: I backed up (my only back up of) a song I
> recorded in SONAR 4 and saved it as a bundle (cwb) file. Now when I
> attempt to reload it in SONAR 4 it gives me an error message saying
> that it is experiencing an unknown error accessing the file. I just
> found out now that SONAR 4 has a 2gb limit on bundle files, but it
> created it...why can't it open it up?
> Is there any way to retrieve my months of work?
> Please, any help will greatly help!

Seems like it might be a Fat32 filesystem problem maybe?

that's good to know though, about the 2 gb limit. Doesn't seem high

I have the same problem with a project that won't open because when it
tries to open back the tts virtual synth the whole thing crashes.

I will go back to not using virtual synths on anything I spend some
time on.

July 12th 05, 06:27 AM
On 08 Jul 2005, "Blacktick" > wrote in

> I have the same problem with a project that won't open because
> when it tries to open back the tts virtual synth the whole thing
> crashes.

From Sonar 2's help file... I hope this still works with Sonar 4...

I Can't Open My Project


Your project may have become corrupted, or SONAR is attempting to use a
plug-in that is not longer on your system. You can attempt to open the
project using Safe Mode.

To use Safe Mode

-If you are opening a file from the Most Recently Used files list in
the File menu, hold down the Shift key while selecting file name.

-If you are opening the file from the Open dialog, select the file in
the dialog and hold down the Shift key while clicking the OK button.

Safe Mode does the following:

- Opens only the Track view.

- Prompts you if you want to open the plug-ins saved with your project.
Each plug-in gets a prompt, so you can open some and not open others.

July 12th 05, 06:31 AM
On 07 Jul 2005, "Dallam" > wrote in

> THE PROBLEM in a nutshell: I backed up (my only back up of) a song I
> recorded in SONAR 4 and saved it as a bundle (cwb) file. Now when I
> attempt to reload it in SONAR 4 it gives me an error message saying
> that it is experiencing an unknown error accessing the file. I just
> found out now that SONAR 4 has a 2gb limit on bundle files, but it
> created it...why can't it open it up?

As Blacktick mentioned, it's a file system limitation. Sonar shouldn't
let it be created, though. I wish I had a solution for you, but I
don't. You could try asking on the cakewalk newsgroup or their web
forum, or you could call Cakewalk.

This is a good demonstration on why it's better to use the Per Project
method, which save the audio in its own folder, rather than BUNs, which
are corruptable.