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  #1   Report Post  
Warren Harding
Posts: n/a
Default Is Linux Really That Bad? Yes It IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

I've tried both Suse 9.2 and Mandrake 10.1 this weekend on a Dell computer
and I can confirm that while both of them installed fine they suck beyond
belief when I used them.
How anyone can compa
k3b to nero.
Openoffice to MSOffice.
gnucash to quicken
audacity to Wavelab

anything Linux to anything Windows is far beyond my reasoning.

These Linux applications stink beyond belief and some are so bad you can't
even keep them running for more than a couple of minutes without locking
up the entire computer.
And this is supposed to be better than Windows?
No way!

  #2   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

On Sat, 01 Jan 2005 23:04:52 -0500, Warren Harding revealed:

Another Fine Flatfart posting...and flatfart is now recirculating through
his old pseudo-identities starting with this one.

BTW: Trying to install Mandrake and Suse Linux to Test is like trying to
install Microsoft Windows XP from last week, and Microsoft Windows XP from
this week, then declaring all MS Software to be Bad.

Of course, The conclusion to the original waste of time post was written
before the rest of the post was.

BTW, I'm installing Gentoo on my server that ran Redhat 7.3 for the past
2-3 years without a problem....Everything is going wonderfully, and I've
had no dialog boxes popping up with excuses as to why the software can't
do the job like I've continually seen from Windows.

  #3   Report Post  
Amol Vaidya
Posts: n/a

Warren Harding wrote:
I've tried both Suse 9.2 and Mandrake 10.1 this weekend on a Dell computer
and I can confirm that while both of them installed fine they suck beyond
belief when I used them.
How anyone can compa
k3b to nero.
Openoffice to MSOffice.
gnucash to quicken
audacity to Wavelab

anything Linux to anything Windows is far beyond my reasoning.

These Linux applications stink beyond belief and some are so bad you can't
even keep them running for more than a couple of minutes without locking
up the entire computer.
And this is supposed to be better than Windows?
No way!

  #4   Report Post  
Don Ocean
Posts: n/a

Warren Harding wrote:
I've tried both Suse 9.2 and Mandrake 10.1 this weekend on a Dell computer
and I can confirm that while both of them installed fine they suck beyond
belief when I used them.
How anyone can compa
k3b to nero.
Openoffice to MSOffice.
gnucash to quicken
audacity to Wavelab

anything Linux to anything Windows is far beyond my reasoning.

These Linux applications stink beyond belief and some are so bad you can't
even keep them running for more than a couple of minutes without locking
up the entire computer.
And this is supposed to be better than Windows?
No way!

Obviously your still a Babe in the woods when it comes to computers.
So sad that you call a locked up computer a fine install! The massive
diversity of a linux or unix system makes you Microsoft folks look
like mental pymies.. Perhaps you should work a dual boot system for a
lonnnng while. It does have a learning curve and most folks are capable
of mastering some new education.. Are You?

  #5   Report Post  
Perfect Reign
Posts: n/a

Warren Harding wrote:

I've tried both Suse 9.2 and Mandrake 10.1 this weekend on a Dell computer
and I can confirm that while both of them installed fine they suck beyond
belief when I used them.
How anyone can compa
k3b to nero.

Nero blows. I use Creative software when in Windows.

Openoffice to MSOffice.

Isn't OO 2.0 (1.94) nice? I wish I could run it at work instead of that dog
Office XP.

audacity to Wavelab

These morons.

Oh, BTW, I've been using Audacity on Win2K for three years. I see it is
exactly the same quality in Linux.

"i believe in what i'm doing, but what is it i'm doing here"

  #6   Report Post  
Liam Slider
Posts: n/a

On Sat, 01 Jan 2005 23:04:52 -0500, Warren Harding wrote:

I've tried both Suse 9.2 and Mandrake 10.1 this weekend on a Dell computer
and I can confirm that while both of them installed fine they suck beyond
belief when I used them.
How anyone can compa
k3b to nero.

Um...k3b works? It's well integrated with Konqueror, so that it acts as
just another component of the system? Does Nero hold up to that on Windows?

Openoffice to MSOffice.

You *do* know that OpenOffice isn't the only office app we have right?

gnucash to quicken

Nor is Gnucash, and not only that, but in many people's option Gnucash is
superior to quicken.

audacity to Wavelab

Audacity is considered by many, in both the Linux *and* the Windows world
to be a *very* high quality audio application. Perhaps you just don't know
what you're talking about here?

Besides, Audacity is not the only app of this kind, perhaps you want more
power for editing? Take a look at Sweep then.

anything Linux to anything Windows is far beyond my reasoning.

Well, that's certainly the truth... Appairently far beyond your
comprehension too.

These Linux applications stink beyond belief and some are so bad you
can't even keep them running for more than a couple of minutes without
locking up the entire computer.

Now this is a lie.

And this is supposed to be better than Windows? No way!

Come back when Windows has working 64-bit. No "in development" **** either.

  #7   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Warren Harding wrote:

I've tried both Suse 9.2 and Mandrake 10.1 this weekend on a Dell computer
and I can confirm that while both of them installed fine they suck beyond
belief when I used them.
How anyone can compa
k3b to nero.

Does nero come with windows? Nope, you have to PAY MORE to get it. Does nero
offer me anything I want that is not in k3b? No.

So, k3b is installed at the time the OS is installed, with nero the poor
user has to give up more of his/her hard earned cash to BUY the software
then has to hassle with the install, How is this better? How is this easier
to use?

Openoffice to MSOffice.

For the price there is absolutely NO comparison. I get all the features I
want with Openoffice without the hefty pricetag of MSOffice.

Again the poor user has to pay out more of his/her hard earned money then
hassle installing the software, how is this better? How is this easier to

gnucash to quicken

Hmmm, what does quicken have that I need and is not in gnucash, NOTHING.

And again, the user has to part with even more of there hard earned
money.... ****, after buying the OS, nero, MSOffice, anti-virus software,
and virtually everything else to make MS OS's secure and useful, the user
might is well skip quicken, they will not have any money left to track!

audacity to Wavelab

anything Linux to anything Windows is far beyond my reasoning.

Let's see, compare windows clustering to Linux clustering: Linux 4 of the 5
fastest clusters and about half of the list of the world's
fastest computers... How does windows compare? Not well I am afraid. How
about as a network server? Samba is 2.5 time faster as an smb server than
windows 2003 and smb is the MS networking "standard". Saving money? Cities
like Largo are saving MILLIONS by using Linux rather than windows. How
about graphics? Well, if you have seen a movie with computer generated
special effects lately, they were done on Linux, not windows. You are
right, there is no comparison. Windows just plain sucks.

These Linux applications stink beyond belief and some are so bad you can't
even keep them running for more than a couple of minutes without locking
up the entire computer.

That is simply a lie.

And this is supposed to be better than Windows?

Because we don't have to lie when we say how great Linux is. I would hate to
be a windows supporter and have to lie every time I talked about how great
windows is.

  #8   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

On Sat, 01 Jan 2005 23:04:52 -0500, Warren Harding wrote:

I've tried both Suse 9.2 and Mandrake 10.1 this weekend on a Dell
computer and I can confirm that while both of them installed fine they
suck beyond belief when I used them.
How anyone can compa
k3b to nero.
Openoffice to MSOffice.
gnucash to quicken
audacity to Wavelab

anything Linux to anything Windows is far beyond my reasoning.

These Linux applications stink beyond belief and some are so bad you
can't even keep them running for more than a couple of minutes without
locking up the entire computer.
And this is supposed to be better than Windows? No way!

So, you are lucky in that you can continue to use your favorite OS - at
least I haven't seen any plans to pull Windows off the market, although I
have heard of a bill in Congress to require all Windows users to get
certification and insurance before connecting to the 'Net. (You know,
because of all those clueless Windows users who insist in allowing their
machines to be zombied, thereby causing grief for productive 'Net users.)

  #9   Report Post  
Tom F.
Posts: n/a

Give me a break you troll.

No one can believe anything you say because your post contains and
obvious falsehood: "These Linux applications stink beyond belief and
some are so bad you can't even keep them running for more than a couple
of minutes without locking
up the entire computer."

No one who uses any flavor or Linux or even knows its reputation will
believe that.
Go to the advocacy group where you *might* find some dupes to feed you.

  #10   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

On Sat, 01 Jan 2005 23:04:52 -0500, Warren Harding wrote:

I've tried both Suse 9.2 and Mandrake 10.1 this weekend on a Dell computer
and I can confirm that while both of them installed fine they suck beyond
belief when I used them.
How anyone can compa
k3b to nero.
Openoffice to MSOffice.
gnucash to quicken
audacity to Wavelab

anything Linux to anything Windows is far beyond my reasoning.

These Linux applications stink beyond belief and some are so bad you can't
even keep them running for more than a couple of minutes without locking
up the entire computer.
And this is supposed to be better than Windows? No way!

If this is the best you can come up with please knock if off.
Its just pathetic how transparent you are Flatfart.
You're not even a good troll.

  #11   Report Post  
Schraalhans Keukenmeester
Posts: n/a

Warren Harding wrote:
I've tried both Suse 9.2 and Mandrake 10.1 this weekend on a Dell computer
and I can confirm that while both of them installed fine they suck beyond
belief when I used them.
How anyone can compa
k3b to nero.
Openoffice to MSOffice.
gnucash to quicken
audacity to Wavelab

anything Linux to anything Windows is far beyond my reasoning.

These Linux applications stink beyond belief and some are so bad you can't
even keep them running for more than a couple of minutes without locking
up the entire computer.
And this is supposed to be better than Windows?
No way!

Internet troll
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

On the Internet, troll and trolling are slang term used to describe:

1. A person who makes posts (on newsgroups or other forums) that are
solely intended to provoke responses from others either Socratically or
to cause annoyance or offense.
2. A post that is intended to incite controversy or cause offense.
(Many posts may inadvertently cause strife as collateral damage, but
they are not trolls.)

More :
  #12   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Error log for Sat, 01 Jan 2005 23:04:52 -0500: Warren Harding caused a
Page Fault at address , details...

I've tried both Suse 9.2 and Mandrake 10.1 this weekend on a Dell

Flatfish, the lying, crossposting, anti-LGX/OSS troll hard at work.

rapskat - 02:32:44 up 6 days, 3:37, 4 users, load average: 0.09, 0.04, 0.04
You tread upon my patience.
-- William Shakespeare, "Henry IV"

  #13   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Do you know that i have tried to install linux on a dell and
it did suck. You have to remember that most prebuilt machines
are built for windows and no other os so its a hardware problem
i have a self built machine which runs dame good with linux.

Then the question you have to ask in windows apps how much of the
application do you really use and how much does it cost.
with that comparison linux wins hands down.

Last point every os has it's faults no os is perfect and anyone with
a brain would use the best of both to do what they want.

Hears a joke i have not caught a virus on windows, why linux makes a good
firewall. then again any one who says linux is immune to viruses is full
of **** for i have caught a few in my time of using linux and those virus
can only affect the application and are easily dealt with. unlike windows.
  #14   Report Post  
Marvin Preuss
Posts: n/a

Warren Harding wrote:
k3b to nero.

I really like k3b and it works wonderful. if you dont want use k3b there
are tons of other tools you can work with. even just cdrecord

Openoffice to MSOffice.

even at work with windowsXP and msOFFICE installed i use openoffice. the
xml based files are the best there and you still can read it
in a million years.

gnucash to quicken
audacity to Wavelab

i never used that both but i just heard good things about it. but im
sure you are just a troll and you never really worked with a
  #15   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Marvin Preuss wrote:
Warren Harding wrote:

k3b to nero.

I really like k3b and it works wonderful. if you dont want use k3b there
are tons of other tools you can work with. even just cdrecord

Shame the wazzzock didn't crosspost to the Solaris NG, cdrecord's
creator could have explained the finer points to him.

  #16   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Error log for Sat, 01 Jan 2005 23:02:59 -0600: Liam Slider caused a Page
Fault at address . com,

Besides, Audacity is not the only app of this kind, perhaps you want
more power for editing? Take a look at Sweep then.

Goddamn, man! I owe you a case of your bev of choice.

This puppy is NICE! The "scrub" effect is sweet, it's just like RT
"scratching" with a turntable, physics and all.

Installation was pretty hard though, I had to open a console, su to root,
then type...

apt-get install sweep

Then do other stuff for about 5 minutes. Whew! What an ordeal! ;-)

rapskat - 07:21:34 up 6 days, 8:26, 4 users, load average: 4.62, 2.53, 1.51
Generosity and perfection are your everlasting goals.

  #17   Report Post  
B Gruff
Posts: n/a

Warren Harding wrote:

I've tried both Suse 9.2 and Mandrake 10.1 this weekend on a Dell
computer and I can confirm that while both of them installed fine
they suck beyond belief when I used them.

Surely this couldn't be a troll........ could it?

  #18   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Warren Harding wrote:

I've tried both Suse 9.2 and Mandrake 10.1 this weekend on a Dell computer
and I can confirm that while both of them installed fine they suck beyond
belief when I used them.

Considering the number of people doing real work on Linux systems every
day, it's a fair bet that what sucks in this scenario is Warren Harding,
not Linux.

Did you become proficient with winblows in a single weekend? I doubt it.

Did you ever try to perform a winblows system install in a single weekend
prior to knowing anything about winblows? I doubt it.

Did you verify that your Dell laptop (including its sound & network cards,
etc.) were on the supported hardware list? I doubt it.

Did you read the documentation BEFORE you started? I seriously doubt it.

  #19   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

On Sat, 01 Jan 2005 23:04:52 -0500, Warren Harding wrote:

I've tried both Suse 9.2 and Mandrake 10.1 this weekend on a Dell computer
and I can confirm that while both of them installed fine they suck beyond
belief when I used them.
How anyone can compa
k3b to nero.
Openoffice to MSOffice.
gnucash to quicken
audacity to Wavelab

anything Linux to anything Windows is far beyond my reasoning.

These Linux applications stink beyond belief and some are so bad you can't
even keep them running for more than a couple of minutes without locking
up the entire computer.
And this is supposed to be better than Windows?
No way!

I'm sorry you were disappointed. I've been using linux in a professional
setting for 5 or 6 years, and at home for about 4 years (totally linux on
our three computer home network now). I find that k3b works very reliably
and quickly. I don't use OpenOffice much because I prefer AbiWord and
Gnucash, but they fulfill my needs quite admirably. I have indeed moved to
gnucash since I no longer have a requirement to export qif files (formerly
needed to send financial records to an accountant who would only accept
that format - if he weren't so close minded I would have switched years
ago). Never used audacity or wavelab, so I can't comment there. I also do
a lot more stuff - web site development, panoramic pictures, . . . all
working fine on linux without the financial outlay required to do the same
on MS.

  #20   Report Post  
james of tucson
Posts: n/a

["Followup-To:" header set to]
On 2005-01-02, Marvin Preuss wrote:

I really like k3b and it works wonderful. if you dont want use k3b there
are tons of other tools you can work with. even just cdrecord


I have access to anything I want, and so I choose to keep a machine
setup for the express purpose of running mkisofs and cdrecord. Nothing
beats it, period.

gnucash to quicken

Quicken, in the hands of a fool, will just document him and his money
being parted.

audacity to Wavelab

Audacity is free, right? And Wavelab is $700, right?

When there's a $700 audio program available for Linux, let's make this
kind of comparison.

  #21   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

On Sat, 01 Jan 2005 23:04:52 -0500, Warren Harding wrote:

I've tried both Suse 9.2 and Mandrake 10.1 this weekend on a Dell computer
and I can confirm that while both of them installed fine they suck beyond
belief when I used them.
How anyone can compa
k3b to nero.

OK, Troll. since you're probably a hit-and-run, I'll tell you how it
compares to Nero: It Works!, that's how. I have *never* seen as bad a
program for burning C's and especially DVD's as Nero. I was *totally*
unable to burn DVD's with Nero. I have *yet* to have a failure with K3B.
No buffer underruns, no mangled files, playable CD's and it burn any media
I put in the burner, even the $4.99 DVD specials!

Openoffice to MSOffice.

There's a difference? Anyting in MS, I can do with OpenOffice...

gnucash to quicken
audacity to Wavelab

anything Linux to anything Windows is far beyond my reasoning.

Yup. One whole weekend. It took you *how* long to figure out windows the
first time? And don't say right away, becuase you didn't.

These Linux applications stink beyond belief and some are so bad you can't
even keep them running for more than a couple of minutes without locking
up the entire computer.

Been running this machine since July on SuSE.

And this is supposed to be better than Windows?
No way!

Who said it was better? You have to take some time to understand it. No,
everything is not going to work right off the bat, and some things aren't
going to work at all. And unless you *stole* it, how much did you pay for
XP? Got it with a computer? Well, you still paid for it. How much did you
pay for Microsoft Office?

Now, for some other things: How many viruii are there for Windows,
compared to Linux? How much spyware do you have on your machine now?
You're not looking at the whole picture. Click on that link that says
"Santa as you have never seen him before". OH! WAIT!!!! Don't do it with
Internet Explorer!!!!

Now for the complaints: I don't want to spend as much time learning an
poerating system as I spent in High School. I also would like to see .wmv
files without installing 15 patches. I want my programs in My Programs.
But these are minor. My biggest praise (and I was going to post this
separately before I saw your rant) is just how GOOD K3B really is! I
haven't thrown out one disk yet, compared to the hundred or so I have
wasted with that Nero crap!
  #22   Report Post  
Timothy J. Bogart
Posts: n/a

james of tucson wrote:
["Followup-To:" header set to]
On 2005-01-02, Marvin Preuss wrote:


I have access to anything I want, and so I choose to keep a machine
setup for the express purpose of running mkisofs and cdrecord. Nothing
beats it, period.

Aw, hey now, I just discovered that K3b, upon proper completion of
verifying a CD write, plays a nifty tune that makes you feel smug and
important. How can you live without that?

OK, OK, maybe it is not MacPuke, but I laughed.


  #23   Report Post  
Ruel Smith
Posts: n/a

Warren Harding wrote:

I've tried both Suse 9.2 and Mandrake 10.1 this weekend on a Dell computer
and I can confirm that while both of them installed fine they suck beyond
belief when I used them.
How anyone can compa
k3b to nero.
Openoffice to MSOffice.
gnucash to quicken
audacity to Wavelab

anything Linux to anything Windows is far beyond my reasoning.

These Linux applications stink beyond belief and some are so bad you can't
even keep them running for more than a couple of minutes without locking
up the entire computer.
And this is supposed to be better than Windows?
No way!

I smell troll...

Anyway, I'll bite for the hell of it.

K3b works just as well as Nero, without the unnecessary stuff Ahead has now
bundled with Nero 6.5. It's almost a clone of Nero Burning ROM, and it
works very well. If K3b was available on Windows, I wouldn't even bother to
install Nero.

OpenOffice's only shortcoming, IMO, was the lack of a database module, but
apparently, that has been fixed in the upcoming version. Otherwise, I'll
save a couple hundred bucks and get anything I need to get done finished
just the same. I use OpenOffice on both Windows and Linux.

I have never used GnuCash, but there are others. I personally don't like
much of anything that's GTK based. I prefer KDE apps in 9 out of 10

Audacity works very well. I have Wavelab and Audacity on my Windows machine,
and I use Audacity more.

Linux doesn't lock up on me. You must just be too stupid to get an OS to
work properly that just about sets itself up and works right out of the box
with your hardware.

  #24   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

james of tucson writes:

Audacity is free, right? And Wavelab is $700, right?

When there's a $700 audio program available for Linux, let's make
this kind of comparison.

No problem, send me $700, and I'll send you a copy of Audacity. That
make you happy?

Paul Repacholi 1 Crescent Rd.,
+61 (08) 9257-1001 Kalamunda.
West Australia 6076
comp.os.vms,- The Older, Grumpier Slashdot
Raw, Cooked or Well-done, it's all half baked.
EPIC, The Architecture of the future, always has been, always will be.
  #25   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

In article SAXBd.14217$113.10065@trndny03, HachiRoku says...
On Sat, 01 Jan 2005 23:04:52 -0500, Warren Harding wrote:

I've tried both Suse 9.2 and Mandrake 10.1 this weekend on a Dell computer
and I can confirm that while both of them installed fine they suck beyond
belief when I used them.
How anyone can compa
k3b to nero.

OK, Troll. since you're probably a hit-and-run, I'll tell you how it
compares to Nero: It Works!, that's how. I have *never* seen as bad a
program for burning C's and especially DVD's as Nero. I was *totally*
unable to burn DVD's with Nero. I have *yet* to have a failure with K3B.
No buffer underruns, no mangled files, playable CD's and it burn any media
I put in the burner, even the $4.99 DVD specials!

Openoffice to MSOffice.

There's a difference? Anyting in MS, I can do with OpenOffice...

Frontpage extensions? Open MS Publisher files?

Yup. One whole weekend. It took you *how* long to figure out windows the
first time? And don't say right away, becuase you didn't.

5 minutes for Win9x.

Now, for some other things: How many viruii are there for Windows,
compared to Linux?

Dunno, never get infected with it.

How much spyware do you have on your machine now?

A couple of tracking cookies...the same as you can get on a Linux

You're not looking at the whole picture. Click on that link that says
"Santa as you have never seen him before". OH! WAIT!!!! Don't do it with
Internet Explorer!!!!

Whats Internet Explorer? Oh..the browser I use for Windows Updates.

Now for the complaints: I don't want to spend as much time learning an
poerating system as I spent in High School. I also would like to see .wmv
files without installing 15 patches. I want my programs in My Programs.
But these are minor. My biggest praise (and I was going to post this
separately before I saw your rant) is just how GOOD K3B really is! I
haven't thrown out one disk yet, compared to the hundred or so I have
wasted with that Nero crap!

You don;t have to use Nero on Windows. Deepburner is FREEWARE.


An imperfect plan executed violently is far superior to a perfect plan.
-- George Patton

  #26   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

So Sayeth Warren Harding:

I've tried both Suse 9.2 and Mandrake 10.1 this weekend on a Dell computer
and I can confirm that while both of them installed fine they suck beyond
belief when I used them.

That will be a hardware problem most likely. Dell machines are built to use
windows only. I've used several version of Mandrake, Red Hat and now
Fedora Core 3. I assemble my own systems out the components I want to use
and have never had a problem. Check to see if Dell's hardware is on the
hardware compatibility list. Probably won't be there.

How anyone can compa
k3b to nero.

K3B is great! Haven't wasted a CD yet. Can't say the same with Nero.

Openoffice to MSOffice.

OO is my preferred app. I've converted everyone at my work place to OO and
they can't tell the difference!

gnucash to quicken

No experience with gnucash...can't comment there.

audacity to Wavelab we go. As a radio jock for the past 20 years...I think
Audacity is a great 2 track editor! I've used several different audio
editing programs on windows and Audacity is just as good if not better!
I'll go with Audacity any day! (note: would like to see a multi-track
version of it one day!)

These Linux applications stink beyond belief and some are so bad you can't
even keep them running for more than a couple of minutes without locking
up the entire computer.

That's just not true. Can't say I've had any problems with such things.

It's not whether one is better than the other, use the one that works best
for you and the job you need to get done. It's all about the choice!

Knode 0.8.1 / KDE 3.3.1-2.2 / Fedora Core 3
Linux, The OS of the Free World!
Reg Linux User #216754
  #27   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

You don;t have to use Nero on Windows. Deepburner is FREEWARE.

No, it is not "freeware". You must not be able to read ...........
  #28   Report Post  
Eric Desrochers
Posts: n/a

2005 sees increased astro turfing as M$ loses market share
as per predictions, and because M$ is losing money
instead of fixing their products, they would rather
spend it on astro turfing posting like this
hoping to gather up more stupid payees
that will pay Billy Goats some more money.

All true, so far...

2004 is the year M$ lost the desktop technology race.

....but it ends here. M$ *did* lost, but to MacOS-X, of course, not
Eric (Dero) Desrochers

Hiroshima 45, Tchernobyl 86, Windows 95
  #29   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Warren Harding wrote:

I've tried both Suse 9.2 and Mandrake 10.1 this weekend on a Dell computer


  #30   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Tom F." wrote:

Give me a break you troll.

Why should he? Trolls are so well fed, in here.

  #31   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

["Followup-To:" header set to comp.os.linux.advocacy.]
On 2005-01-02, Warren Harding wrote:
I've tried both Suse 9.2 and Mandrake 10.1 this weekend on a Dell computer
and I can confirm that while both of them installed fine they suck beyond
belief when I used them.
How anyone can compa
k3b to nero.

Oh pullleeeze. Nero just needs to be put out of it's misery.

If it weren't for the fact that XP can't us a DVD-+RW without
extra commercial software, I'd just use nero disks as coasters.



/ | \

  #34   Report Post  
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"HachiRoku" a écrit dans le message de
On Sat, 01 Jan 2005 23:04:52 -0500, Warren Harding wrote:

I've tried both Suse 9.2 and Mandrake 10.1 this weekend on a Dell

and I can confirm that while both of them installed fine they suck

belief when I used them.
How anyone can compa
k3b to nero.

OK, Troll. since you're probably a hit-and-run, I'll tell you how it
compares to Nero: It Works!, that's how. I have *never* seen as bad a
program for burning C's and especially DVD's as Nero. I was *totally*
unable to burn DVD's with Nero. I have *yet* to have a failure with K3B.
No buffer underruns, no mangled files, playable CD's and it burn any media
I put in the burner, even the $4.99 DVD specials!

Well`I use both Windows and Linux and I have to admit that Nero works
perfectly well for me. DVD or CD. I use Nero for many years and never had a
single problem with it. If I could run it under Linux, I would be very happy

  #35   Report Post  
Paul van der Heu
Posts: n/a

"U-CDK_CHARLES\\Charles" "Charles wrote :

But you can get up and recording--it'll happily multitrack if you have a
multitrack interface--with only your hardware expense.

The point is that it is not a viable alternative for professional audio
editing. IMO and afaik there is nothing for linux that could take the place
of SoundForge or Samplitude. And there won't be for a long time as the
linux market is simply way to small to justify the huge development cost
for products like these..

Linux has it's use, but it's no general purpose system, and definitely not
a system suitable for serious audio work.

Sooner or later, you buy "A computer that'll run Pro-Tools" or whatever,
the point being you choose the Useful Software FIRST, and then get a
machine to run it.

You choose the tools for the job, for some jobs there are no (suitable)
tools which run on a linux platform.

Bill Gates can't guarantee Windows,
how are you gonna guarantee my safety..
--John Crichton - Farscape pilot

  #36   Report Post  
Scott Dorsey
Posts: n/a

Paul van der Heu wrote:
"U-CDK_CHARLES\\Charles" "Charles wrote :

But you can get up and recording--it'll happily multitrack if you have a
multitrack interface--with only your hardware expense.

The point is that it is not a viable alternative for professional audio
editing. IMO and afaik there is nothing for linux that could take the place
of SoundForge or Samplitude. And there won't be for a long time as the
linux market is simply way to small to justify the huge development cost
for products like these..

Yes, but there STILL hasn't been anything as convenient to use as the
Orban workstation either....

"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."
  #37   Report Post  
General Protection Fault
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["Followup-To:" header set to comp.os.linux.advocacy.]
On Sat, 01 Jan 2005 23:02:59 -0600, Liam Slider wrote:

Nor is Gnucash, and not only that, but in many people's option Gnucash is
superior to quicken.

Yeah, those people being the Gnucash authors. Those who can make the
comparison are limited to those who can compile the thing, which is a
very limited number.

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1:15PM up 42 days, 18:37, 1 user, load averages: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
  #38   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

In article , nunya says...

You don;t have to use Nero on Windows. Deepburner is FREEWARE.

No, it is not "freeware". You must not be able to read ...........

Dumb ****....there's TWO versions.

DeepBurner 1.3 Pro and DeepBurner 1.3 Free Versions Released!
23 December 2004

Both new versions of DeepBurner (Free and Pro) are full of new
features, like always. We?ve also managed to fix the DVD+RW burning bug
for the Free version of the program.

As I said....


An imperfect plan executed violently is far superior to a perfect plan.
-- George Patton
  #39   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Conor wrote:
In article , nunya says...

You don;t have to use Nero on Windows. Deepburner is FREEWARE.

No, it is not "freeware". You must not be able to read ...........

Dumb ****....there's TWO versions.

DeepBurner 1.3 Pro and DeepBurner 1.3 Free Versions Released!
23 December 2004

Both new versions of DeepBurner (Free and Pro) are full of new
features, like always. We?ve also managed to fix the DVD+RW burning bug
for the Free version of the program.

Maybe YOU missed it .............. the "free" version is SEVERELY
crippled ........... "Dumb ****....there's TWO versions."

Features DeepBurner Pro DeepBurner Free
Burn data CDs/DVDs Yes Yes
Burn AudioCDs Yes Yes
Burn and build ISO images Yes Yes
Bootable CD/DVD support Yes Yes
Disk-to-disk copying feature Yes No
Burn Video DVDs Yes No
Backup utility Yes No
Burn photo CD/DVD albums Yes No
CD/DVD burning from the command line Yes No
Drive and media information utility Yes No
Personal license $19.95 $0.00
Business license $29.95 N/A

Definition of "NO" ............... DOES NOT DO IT DUMB****.

As I said....

  #40   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

nunya wrote:
Conor wrote:

In article , nunya says...

You don;t have to use Nero on Windows. Deepburner is FREEWARE.

No, it is not "freeware". You must not be able to read ...........

Dumb ****....there's TWO versions.

DeepBurner 1.3 Pro and DeepBurner 1.3 Free Versions Released!
23 December 2004

Both new versions of DeepBurner (Free and Pro) are full of new
features, like always. We?ve also managed to fix the DVD+RW burning
bug for the Free version of the program.

Maybe YOU missed it .............. the "free" version is SEVERELY
crippled ........... "Dumb ****....there's TWO versions."

Features DeepBurner Pro DeepBurner Free
Burn data CDs/DVDs Yes Yes
Burn AudioCDs Yes Yes
Burn and build ISO images Yes Yes
Bootable CD/DVD support Yes Yes
Disk-to-disk copying feature Yes No
Burn Video DVDs Yes No
Backup utility Yes No
Burn photo CD/DVD albums Yes No
CD/DVD burning from the command line Yes No
Drive and media information utility Yes No
Personal license $19.95 $0.00
Business license $29.95 N/A

Definition of "NO" ............... DOES NOT DO IT DUMB****.

As I said....

Conor, you may also want to see the forum for the software you CLAIM is
freeware to find MANY problems experienced with using it for simple tasks:
As well as looking up the issue of it being adware/spyware before
CLAIMING it to be Freeware.
Your OPINION is once again merely just that, a simple and uninformed
opinion based on your DREAMS rather than reality (as usual).
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