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Vinylanach Vinylanach is offline
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Default Arny, Bret and the Windsor Fox...autistic?

First of all, I'm not being disrespectful towards autism...I have a
close family member with Asperger's. But I've been thinking about it,
and it's possible that these three individuals may have some form of
this neurological disorder. The symptoms are there...repetitive
posting patterns, inability to have normal relationships with other
posters, poor reading comprehension, etc.

Personally, I'll give any of these guys a pass if they admit their
condition. I'll ignore them, support them, whatever they want. They
just need to come clean. Or they may be simply unaware of their
condition. In that case, a family member or doctor can speak for

Until know for sure, I'm going to ignore these three people. I
couldn't live with myself if I knew I'd been tormenting autistic
people all these years.

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Arny Krueger Arny Krueger is offline
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Default Arny, Bret and the Windsor Fox...autistic?

"Vinylanach" wrote in message

First of all, I'm not being disrespectful towards
autism...I have a close family member with Asperger's.

A real close family member Marc, like you yourself.

  #3   Report Post  
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WindsorFox[_3_] WindsorFox[_3_] is offline
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Default Arny, Bret and the Windsor Fox...autistic?

Vinylanach wrote:
First of all, I'm not being disrespectful towards autism...I have a
close family member with Asperger's.

Ahh yes. There's nothing quite like the guy who starts a thread
bitching about someone making off topic post and then immediately after
he himself starts a big fat off topic, new thread talking down to three
other members of the group. Making personal attacks, calling them names
and trying to make a joke out of a mental affliction that is in no way
funny. I present the Pot, Kettle, Black (PKB) award to this person who
continually attacks other people for the purpose of trying to bolster
his own poor self esteem. Good job Boonie. Perhaps I'll alert AOL and
Google to your off topic thread posting as you would have us do to Bret.

I believe we can all see who is the insane one is here.



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  #4   Report Post  
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Arny Krueger Arny Krueger is offline
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Default Arny, Bret and the Windsor Fox...autistic?

"Soundhaspriority" wrote in message

I like both you and Windsor. I urge you to give each
other a break.

Interesting. I find that either of you like to give the impression of being
highly knowlegable - far more knowlegable than you really are. However, Marc
is really pretty worthless, while you Robert actually seem to be able to do
some useful things.

As far as the abrasive thing goes - its all about the context. Marc is
lowlife braggart who makes up horrific fantasies about the people he envies
and fears, in an effort to bring them down to his level. Tact and gentleness
is totally wasted on him. It appears that he goes through careers like most
people go through Snickers bars. :-(

  #5   Report Post  
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Arny Krueger Arny Krueger is offline
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Default Arny, Bret and the Windsor Fox...autistic?

"WindsorFoxSS" wrote in message

Vinylanach wrote:
First of all, I'm not being disrespectful towards
autism...I have a close family member with Asperger's.

Ahh yes. There's nothing quite like the guy who starts
a thread bitching about someone making off topic post and
then immediately after he himself starts a big fat off
topic, new thread talking down to three other members of
the group.

Agreed. As much as I dislike most of Bret's postings whether on topic or
not, it does appear that Bret knows which end of a power amp has the speaker
terminals, which I would not trust Marc to know.

Making personal attacks, calling them names
and trying to make a joke out of a mental affliction that
is in no way funny.

Well, it is ironic humor of sorts.

I've found in life that most of the people who *diagnose* mental illnesses
in others are trying to put up a smokescreen related to their own feelings
about themselves. But if you know the joke, the joke is on them.

I present the Pot, Kettle, Black
(PKB) award to this person who continually attacks other
people for the purpose of trying to bolster his own poor
self esteem.

Between his incessant bragging and personal attacks, you've surely described

Good job Boonie. Perhaps I'll alert AOL and
Google to your off topic thread posting as you would have
us do to Bret.

Not worth the trouble unless he spews a death threat.

I believe we can all see who is the insane one is here.

I don't think Marc is necessarily insane, just awfully, terribly, insecure.


  #6   Report Post  
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Vinylanach Vinylanach is offline
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Default Arny, Bret and the Windsor Fox...autistic?

On Mar 27, 10:44�am, "Soundhaspriority" wrote:
"Vinylanach" wrote in message


First of all, I'm not being disrespectful towards autism...I have a
close family member with Asperger's. �But I've been thinking about it,
and it's possible that these three individuals may have some form of
this neurological disorder. �The symptoms are there...repetitive
posting patterns, inability to have normal relationships with other
posters, poor reading comprehension, etc.

Personally, I'll give any of these guys a pass if they admit their
condition. �I'll ignore them, support them, whatever they want. �They
just need to come clean. �Or they may be simply unaware of their
condition. �In that case, a family member or doctor can speak for

Until know for sure, I'm going to ignore these three people. �I
couldn't live with myself if I knew I'd been tormenting autistic
people all these years.


No. �They are abrasive. Their behavior does not in the least overlap any of
the autism syndromes.

I would disagree. I outlined the reasons above. "Abrasive" doesn't
begin to address the problem.

The world is full of abrasive people. And antisocial
personalities come in all shapes and sizes. One person, Daniel Rutschmann,
a.k.a. "Bret Ludwig", has chosen to follow the path of evil. Modern
psychiatry does not consider that a disorder.

You're a little abrasive too, sometimes. That's OK. Sometimes I'm abrasive
too. And that's OK.

Remember, Bob...we've had to endure your war with Bwian. I'd tread
carefully on this subject.

I like both you and Windsor. I urge you to give each other a break.

That's what I just said. I'm ignoring these people as long as I think
they may be suffering from a true neurological disorder.


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Arny Krueger Arny Krueger is offline
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Default Arny, Bret and the Windsor Fox...autistic?

"Vinylanach" wrote in message

That's what I just said. I'm ignoring these people as
long as I think they may be suffering from a true
neurological disorder.

As long as you keep mentioning people's names Marc, you aren't ignoring
them, you're just trolling them.

Admittedly, many of us know that trying to convince you with logic like this
will go right over your head.

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Vinylanach Vinylanach is offline
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Default Arny, Bret and the Windsor Fox...autistic?

On Mar 27, 10:44�am, "Soundhaspriority" wrote:
Their behavior does not in the least overlap any of
the autism syndromes.

Preferring to be alone is a symptom of autism. Notice how Arny
eventually and purposefully alienates those who agree with him or side
with him?

Immature or stilted language is a common symptom. One
word...Krooglish! Windsor Fox often falls into this pattern as well
when he makes posts full of Internet-speak and technical jargon in
lieu of meaningful rebuttals.

Repetitive behaviors that continue despite feedback is another sign.
Think of Bret's OT posting behaviors, or the fact that Arny has been
here for over a decade in the face of overwhelming negative

Splinter skills or being a savant comes up in the case of Windsor
Fox. He seems very knowledgeable about the Internet, but at the same
time he can't discuss it intelligently with others without proclaiming
to be superior in intellect. He is unable to express is knowledge in a
usable manner, and often comes off as an immature teenager when
provoked or agitated. And it's very easy to throw Windsor Fox off on
a tangent and have him forget the original point of the conversation.
(Arny does that, too.)

The fact is, I would need to see these individuals in person to note
any physical symptoms of autism. But let's face it, many autistic
individuals, especially those with Asperger's, are able to enter
academic fields and excel. Any field that requires rote skills and a
routine are within the reach of those individuals. They often excel
in these types of environments.

This may explain why so many objectivists dispel listening tests and
depend on measurements in audio. Their perceptive powers are
distorted, and they have to rely upon concrete facts to inform them.
The world of autism is one of concrete facts, not of gray areas.

I may be onto something here, Bob. I was actually told by an engineer
that the scientific fields are full of people with Asperger's or other
functional types of autism. It makes sense. If Arny, Bret and Windsor
Fox turn out to have any of these disorders, I will gladly retract any
negative statements I have ever made to them, and I will publicly
apologize for my actions.

Can you offer anything factual on this Bob? Or do you still want to
blame it on "evil"?


  #9   Report Post  
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Arny Krueger Arny Krueger is offline
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Default Arny, Bret and the Windsor Fox...autistic?

"Vinylanach" wrote in message

On Mar 27, 10:44?am, "Soundhaspriority"
wrote: Their behavior does not in
the least overlap any of
the autism syndromes.

Preferring to be alone is a symptom of autism.

It looks like you are all alone in this autism thing, Marc.

Notice how Arny eventually and purposefully alienates those who
agree with him or side with him?

That is a figment of your imagination, Marc. I know the Middiot programmed
you to say it, but it just isn't true.

Let's talk about your ability to form stable relationships, Marc. Starting
with how many times you've been married...

  #10   Report Post  
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WindsorFox[_3_] WindsorFox[_3_] is offline
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Default Arny, Bret and the Windsor Fox...autistic?

Vinylanach wrote:
Can you offer anything factual on this Bob? Or do you still want to
blame it on "evil"?


You are an insecure little man. From the only line I read in that
diatribe, you do not and could not possibly have any clue whether I
desire to be alone or not. You pretend like you know so much about
semi-anonymous people on Usenet and make up stories of where you've gone
and what you've done.Poor, poor little man....


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  #11   Report Post  
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WindsorFox[_3_] WindsorFox[_3_] is offline
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Default Arny, Bret and the Windsor Fox...autistic?

Soundhaspriority wrote:

I like both you and Windsor. I urge you to give each other a break.

I did several times. may last one was...

B Perhaps you can reply to this with
out name calling or assuming you know all about what I do and where I go?

He responded by creating a new off topic thread with more personal
attacks and 3rd grade name calling. I do not believe he is capable of
doing otherwise. As I said elsewhere I may be abrasive, I'll fully admit
that, but I'm not the one starting new offtopic threads for calling
people names, especially while bitching about other people making off
topic threads.


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  #12   Report Post  
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Vinylanach Vinylanach is offline
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Default Arny, Bret and the Windsor Fox...autistic?

On Mar 27, 6:32�pm, "WindsorFoxSS" wrote:
Vinylanach wrote:
Can you offer anything factual on this Bob? �Or do you still want to
blame it on "evil"?


� � You are an insecure little man. From the only line I read in that
diatribe, you do not and could not possibly have any clue whether I
desire to be alone or not. You pretend like you know so much about
semi-anonymous people on Usenet and make up stories of where you've gone
and what you've done.Poor, poor little man....

I actually said nothing about your need to be alone. I was talking
about Arny.

But now you're exhibiting another common symptom of Asperger's...the
inability to comprehend written words.

  #13   Report Post  
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Vinylanach Vinylanach is offline
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Default Arny, Bret and the Windsor Fox...autistic?

On Mar 27, 6:42�pm, "WindsorFoxSS" wrote:
Soundhaspriority wrote:

I like both you and Windsor. I urge you to give each other a break.

� �I did several times. may last one was...

B � Perhaps you can reply to this with
out name calling or assuming you know all about what I do and where I go?

� �He responded by creating a new off topic thread with more personal
attacks and 3rd grade name calling. I do not believe he is capable of
doing otherwise. As I said elsewhere I may be abrasive, I'll fully admit
that, but I'm not the one starting new offtopic threads for calling
people names, especially while bitching about other people making off
topic threads.

Those were not off-topic threads. They were threads designed to
figure out why this particular group is infested with crazy people who
are unable to comply with the RAO charter. My suggestion was that
autism might be the reason. Your habit of misreading my comments to
suit your agenda support that, by the way.

Several of us here are trying to get RAO back on track. Bret and Arny
are two big obstacles to that. By defending them, you become a

The health of this newsgroup will never be off topic.

  #14   Report Post  
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WindsorFox[_3_] WindsorFox[_3_] is offline
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Default Arny, Bret and the Windsor Fox...autistic?

Vinylanach wrote:
On Mar 27, 6:42�pm, "WindsorFoxSS" wrote:
Soundhaspriority wrote:

I like both you and Windsor. I urge you to give each other a break.

� �I did several times. may last one was...

B � Perhaps you can reply to this with
out name calling or assuming you know all about what I do and where I go?

� �He responded by creating a new off topic thread with more personal
attacks and 3rd grade name calling. I do not believe he is capable of
doing otherwise. As I said elsewhere I may be abrasive, I'll fully admit
that, but I'm not the one starting new offtopic threads for calling
people names, especially while bitching about other people making off
topic threads.

Those were not off-topic threads.

It is OFF TOPIC. Would you like me to have a couple of admins say it
as well?


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  #15   Report Post  
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Arny Krueger Arny Krueger is offline
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Default Arny, Bret and the Windsor Fox...autistic?

"Vinylanach" wrote in message

I actually said nothing about your need to be alone. I
was talking about Arny.

In words you might be able to understand Marc, you're nuts. Most people who
know me personally think of me as an extrovert. If you were a party I was
at, you'd probably find me in a circle of people, participating in an
animated conversation with both friends and strangers. I'm an officer in
two local social organizations. I didn't make the 100,000's of posts I've
made to Usenet because I'm an introvert, or somehow fearful of communicating
with people. In fact, one reason why I scare people like you and the
Middiot, is because I'm naturally so social and so influential.

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Arny Krueger Arny Krueger is offline
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Default Arny, Bret and the Windsor Fox...autistic?

"Vinylanach" wrote in message

On Mar 27, 6:42?pm, "WindsorFoxSS"

? ?He responded by creating a new off topic thread with
more personal attacks and 3rd grade name calling.

Yup, that's what Marc does. Look at his posting record - its mostly OT and
full of personal attacks.

I do not believe he is capable of doing otherwise. As I said
elsewhere I may be abrasive, I'll fully admit that, but
I'm not the one starting new offtopic threads for
calling people names, especially while bitching about
other people making off topic threads.

Agreed that Marc is very low on self-awareness, and has a long sad track
record of exactly the behavior that he goes OT and makes personal attacks
while he is complaining about. He's just a left coast Middiot.

Those were not off-topic threads.


They were threads
designed to figure out why this particular group is
infested with crazy people

Simple Marc - its because after about a decade worth of abuse by simpletons
like you and the Middiot, there isn't a heck of a lot left.

who are unable to comply with the RAO charter.

Marc, you mean like you?

If irony killed...

My suggestion was that autism might be the reason.

The reason is obsessive-compulsive behavior and lack of tolerance for
varying opinons. About a decade ago unhappy people like Zippy and Derrida
decided to purge RAO of people who disagreed with them, and it has been
downhill ever since.

Your habit of misreading my comments to suit
your agenda support that, by the way.

Marc, it is even a little embarassing when you wave your idiot flag like
this. You've found the problem and the problem is people like you.

Several of us here are trying to get RAO back on track.
Bret and Arny are two big obstacles to that.

Not at all. I've got a track record of years of posting almost exclusively
about audio and video in over a dozen different Usenet and HTML-based
groups, some of which are moderated.

By defending them, you become a third.

By attacking you Marc, we're trying to help you with your collection of
mental problems. Wake up, man!

The health of this newsgroup will never be off topic.

This newsgroup will never be healthy as long as there are so many OT posts,
and threads with titles that attack specific people.

  #17   Report Post  
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Vinylanach Vinylanach is offline
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Default Arny, Bret and the Windsor Fox...autistic?

On Mar 27, 11:16Â*pm, "WindsorFoxSS" wrote:
Vinylanach wrote:
On Mar 27, 6:42�pm, "WindsorFoxSS" wrote:
Soundhaspriority wrote:

I like both you and Windsor. I urge you to give each other a break.
� �I did several times. may last one was...

B � Perhaps you can reply to this with
out name calling or assuming you know all about what I do and where I go?
� �He responded by creating a new off topic thread with more personal
attacks and 3rd grade name calling. I do not believe he is capable of
doing otherwise. As I said elsewhere I may be abrasive, I'll fully admit
that, but I'm not the one starting new offtopic threads for calling
people names, especially while bitching about other people making off
topic threads.

Those were not off-topic threads. Â*

Â* Â* It is OFF TOPIC. Would you like me to have a couple of admins say it
as well?

Oh, yes, by all means. Ask some poor admin to rule on yet another
flame war. Be sure to pick one that has promised himself to kill the
next Intertard who complains about something on Usenet.


  #18   Report Post  
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George M. Middius[_3_] George M. Middius[_3_] is offline
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Default Arny, Bret and the Windsor Fox...autistic?

Vinylanach said:

First of all, I'm not being disrespectful towards autism...I have a
close family member with Asperger's. But I've been thinking about it,
and it's possible that these three individuals may have some form of
this neurological disorder. The symptoms are there...repetitive
posting patterns, inability to have normal relationships with other
posters, poor reading comprehension, etc.

Personally, I'll give any of these guys a pass if they admit their
condition. I'll ignore them, support them, whatever they want. They
just need to come clean. Or they may be simply unaware of their
condition. In that case, a family member or doctor can speak for

Until know for sure, I'm going to ignore these three people. I
couldn't live with myself if I knew I'd been tormenting autistic
people all these years.

Krooger's typical response to a request for admission is to klaim such
an admission would be a "lie". (That's Krooglish, of course.) Let's
see which one of Kroo****, Bratzi, or Winnie is the first to plop an
IKYABWAI at you.

  #19   Report Post  
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George M. Middius[_3_] George M. Middius[_3_] is offline
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Default Arny, Bret and the Windsor Fox...autistic?

The Krooborg begs for its pre-church spanking.

Notice how Arny eventually and purposefully alienates those who
agree with him or side with him?

That is a figment of your imagination, Marc. I know [my supreme master] programmed
you to say it, but it just isn't true.

I also "programmed" you to kill yourself, but how successful was that?
I haven't given up hope, of course.

Let's talk about your ability to form stable relationships, Marc. Starting
with how many times you've been married...

You first. How many children have you molested this month?

  #20   Report Post  
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Shhhh! I'm Listening to Reason! Shhhh! I'm Listening to Reason! is offline
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Default Arny, Bret and the Windsor Fox...autistic?

On Mar 29, 1:19*pm, George M. Middius wrote:
The Krooborg begs for its pre-church spanking.

*Notice how Arny eventually and purposefully alienates those who
agree with him or side with him?

That *is a figment of your imagination, Marc. *I know [my supreme master] programmed
you to say it, but it just isn't true.

I also "programmed" you to kill yourself, but how successful was that?
I haven't given up hope, of course.

Let's talk about your ability to form stable relationships, Marc. Starting
with how many times you've been married...

You first. How many children have you molested this month?

I want to go one record as being against the throwing of such snot.

Those poor kids couldn't help what GOIA has done to them.

  #21   Report Post  
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Vinylanach Vinylanach is offline
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Default Arny, Bret and the Windsor Fox...autistic?

On Mar 29, 10:36�am, George M. Middius
Vinylanach said:

First of all, I'm not being disrespectful towards autism...I have a
close family member with Asperger's. �But I've been thinking about it,
and it's possible that these three individuals may have some form of
this neurological disorder. �The symptoms are there...repetitive
posting patterns, inability to have normal relationships with other
posters, poor reading comprehension, etc.

Personally, I'll give any of these guys a pass if they admit their
condition. �I'll ignore them, support them, whatever they want. �They
just need to come clean. �Or they may be simply unaware of their
condition. �In that case, a family member or doctor can speak for

Until know for sure, I'm going to ignore these three people. �I
couldn't live with myself if I knew I'd been tormenting autistic
people all these years.

Krooger's typical response to a request for admission is to klaim such
an admission would be a "lie". (That's Krooglish, of course.) Let's
see which one of Kroo****, Bratzi, or Winnie is the first to plop an
IKYABWAI at you.-

That is a typical symptom of autism...parroting things that you've
heard. Perhaps this is why both Arny and Winless Fox engage in so

  #22   Report Post  
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George M. Middius[_3_] George M. Middius[_3_] is offline
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Default Arny, Bret and the Windsor Fox...autistic?

Shhhh! said:

with how many times you've been married...

You first. How many children have you molested this month?

I want to go one record as being against the throwing of such snot.

It probably wasn't snot, but whatever.

Those poor kids couldn't help what GOIA has done to them.

Interesting factoid: The Krooborg was incubated in a hatchery from age
12 until age 18.

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Vinylanach Vinylanach is offline
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Default Arny, Bret and the Windsor Fox...autistic?

On Mar 29, 4:02�pm, George M. Middius wrote:
Shhhh! said:

with how many times you've been married...

You first. How many children have you molested this month?

I want to go one record as being against the throwing of such snot.

It probably wasn't snot, but whatever.

Whatever it is, it's covering his keyboard.

  #24   Report Post  
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WindsorFox[_3_] WindsorFox[_3_] is offline
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Default Arny, Bret and the Windsor Fox...autistic?

Vinylanach wrote:
On Mar 27, 11:16 pm, "WindsorFoxSS" wrote:
Vinylanach wrote:
On Mar 27, 6:42�pm, "WindsorFoxSS" wrote:
Soundhaspriority wrote:
I like both you and Windsor. I urge you to give each other a break.
� �I did several times. may last one was...
B � Perhaps you can reply to this with
out name calling or assuming you know all about what I do and where I go?
� �He responded by creating a new off topic thread with more personal
attacks and 3rd grade name calling. I do not believe he is capable of
doing otherwise. As I said elsewhere I may be abrasive, I'll fully admit
that, but I'm not the one starting new offtopic threads for calling
people names, especially while bitching about other people making off
topic threads.
Those were not off-topic threads.

It is OFF TOPIC. Would you like me to have a couple of admins say it
as well?

Oh, yes, by all means. Ask some poor admin to rule on yet another
flame war. Be sure to pick one that has promised himself to kill the
next Intertard who complains about something on Usenet.



According to the same admin I posted a comment from about your
concern with Bret, you would be tossed as well.


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  #25   Report Post  
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JBorg, Jr.[_2_] JBorg, Jr.[_2_] is offline
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Default Arny, Bret and the Windsor Fox...autistic?

Arny " Tuck 'em boys" Krueger wrote:

I'm naturally so social and so influential.

You gotta be joking here. Influential ? So far, all of your ideas about
subjective listening (your bread and butter for audio discussion)
have been shot down.

Say it like it is, I say.

Kahlua and vodka anyone ? hmm... gulp...gulp..gulp..

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Arny Krueger Arny Krueger is offline
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Default Arny, Bret and the Windsor Fox...autistic?

"JBorg, Jr." wrote in message

Arny " Tuck 'em boys" Krueger wrote:

I'm naturally so social and so influential.

You gotta be joking here. Influential ? So far, all of
your ideas about subjective listening (your bread and
butter for audio discussion) have been shot down.

That's why the AES keeps printing those papers about blind testing - all my
ideas about subjective listening were shot down by RAO trolls. ;-)

  #27   Report Post  
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Clyde Slick Clyde Slick is offline
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Default Arny, Bret and the Windsor Fox...autistic?

On 27 Mar, 13:56, "Arny Krueger" wrote:

It appears that he (Marc) goes through careers like most
people go through Snickers bars. :-(

"at least" he found a nugget in each one.

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Vinylanach Vinylanach is offline
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Default Arny, Bret and the Windsor Fox...autistic?

On Mar 30, 8:14�pm, Clyde Slick wrote:
On 27 Mar, 13:56, "Arny Krueger" wrote:

It appears that he (Marc) goes through careers like most

people go through Snickers bars. :-(

"at least" he found a nugget in each one.

It's funny how Arny doesn't understand the concept of "opportunity."
He probably hasn't heard it knock for decades.

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Clyde Slick Clyde Slick is offline
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Default Arny, Bret and the Windsor Fox...autistic?

On 31 Mar, 10:02, Vinylanach wrote:

It's funny how Arny doesn't understand the concept of "opportunity."
He probably hasn't heard it knock for decades.


the last time the light bulb turned on, he gave us
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Arny Krueger Arny Krueger is offline
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Default Arny, Bret and the Windsor Fox...autistic?

"Clyde Slick" wrote in message

On 31 Mar, 10:02, Vinylanach wrote:

It's funny how Arny doesn't understand the concept of
"opportunity." He probably hasn't heard it knock for


the last time the light bulb turned on, he gave us

The last time Art and Marc's light bulb turned on, they gave us these stupid

  #31   Report Post  
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Clyde Slick Clyde Slick is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 6,545
Default Arny, Bret and the Windsor Fox...autistic?

On 31 Mar, 21:31, "Arny Krueger" wrote:
"Clyde Slick" wrote in message

On 31 Mar, 10:02, Vinylanach wrote:

It's funny how Arny doesn't understand the concept of
"opportunity." He probably hasn't heard it knock for


the last time the light bulb turned on, he gave us

The last time Art and Marc's light bulb turned on, they gave us these stupid

My apologies. I shouldn't be promoting your wasteland of a site.
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