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  #401   Report Post  
Marc Phillips
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Arny said:

"Marc Phillips" wrote in message

Arny said:

"Marc Phillips" wrote in message

Not at all. You're talking out of your ass, if that translates to

So speaks one of the more egregious posters of pedophile fantasy on

You know, if Scott Wheeler succeeds, I'm next in line.

Phillips, please hold your breath for sockpuppet wheel to succeed in doing
anything but wasting his money and making a fool of himself.


That was my point, ****head.


  #402   Report Post  
Marc Phillips
Posts: n/a
Default Denon vs Yamaha receiver

Arny said:

"Marc Phillips" wrote in message

Arny said:

"Marc Phillips" wrote in message

Well, that was a real car wreck of a sentence, but there are things
called analogies, and that was one. For instance, discovering that
one of the regulars is a pedophile and actually talks about
fondling his dead teenage son in his coffin

This is a horrible egregious deception. It is true that I've
repeatedly objected to reprehensible comments along those lines by
RAO regulars such a Middius, Singh, and Graham and Marc Phillips

In the process I may have quoted or referenced such comments. That's
the extent of me "talking about" these things.

The fact of the matter is that Marc Phillips is a leading poster of
pedophile fantasies that he personally originated and authored, on

That would be a lie.

That would be the truth.

Prove it!

You could always produce a pedophile fantasy to
support your claim, but they don't exist.

No pedophile fantasies from Marc Phillips?

There are dozens in the google record. I would immediately post links to
them in the google archive except for my desire to improve the decency of
this place, such as it is.

A lie. You can't produce them because they don't exist.

Phillips, lets talk about you bragging about your reports to my local and
state police! Were those real reports or where they fantasies of yours? I
know that the MSP knows nothing of your alleged reports, no matter what you
posted about them.

How do you know? It is not in their best interest to give you specific
information about their investigation of you, ****head.

Your contention is that
since you've revealed your pedophile fantasies on RAO, and I've
objected to them strenuously, I must have the same fantasies.

I have no pedophile fantasies of my own to reveal. Never have, never will.

And yet you printed them here for all to see. Do you think everyone forgot
this, ****head

have only objected to your pedophile fantasies Phillips, and those of others
such as Singh, Middius, and Graham. I suppose you want the good people to
believe that none of these people have posted pedophile fantasies on RAO? I
suppose you want people to think that you objected to those fantasies when
they were posted, like I did? I suppose you want people to not know that you
conspire with those people to try to harass me by posting pedophile

Lies. Produce these fantasies.

There isn't a person in the world that would agree with that incredibly
illogical statement.

Truth isn't up for a vote.

Only a pathological liar would come up with something that lame.

However, the are many, many people here who
have witnessed your pedophilia for themselves.

No they haven't. But Phillips many of them have clearly witnessed your
pedophile fantasies along with those of Singh, Middius, and Graham.

Prove it!

Shall I post links to those pedophile fantasies in the google record?

Yes, ****head, yes. Quit stalling.

So my question is, who do you think you're fooling?

Nobody. Just the facts, Ma-am!

A pathological nutcase like yourself has no idea what a fact is.


  #403   Report Post  
Arny Krueger
Posts: n/a
Default Denon vs Yamaha receiver

"Marc Phillips" wrote in message

Arny said:

"Marc Phillips" wrote in message

Arny said:

"Marc Phillips" wrote in message

Not at all. You're talking out of your ass, if that translates to

So speaks one of the more egregious posters of pedophile fantasy on

You know, if Scott Wheeler succeeds, I'm next in line.

Phillips, please hold your breath for sockpuppet wheel to succeed
in doing anything but wasting his money and making a fool of himself.


That was my point, ****head.

What, that you're holding your breath, Phillips?


  #404   Report Post  
dave weil
Posts: n/a
Default Denon vs Yamaha receiver

On Mon, 29 Sep 2003 09:58:09 -0400, "Arny Krueger"

"dave weil" wrote in message

On Mon, 29 Sep 2003 06:42:27 -0400, in you wrote:

This doesn't mean that I have agreed with them about paedophila and
Arnold Krueger.

Weil, I need only point to the google record where you failed to
object to their pedophile fantasies like I did, at the time where
they were made.

I'm sorry Arnold, but you haven't earned the consideration.

From who? You Weil? Maybe you haven't sobered up as much as I thought! This
statement makes absolutely no sense! It's like you're supposed to agree with
me when I point out your moral and ethical weaknesses in the past and


Your trashing of me just this morning points that out.

Thanks for admitting that I nailed you Weil. This might be a first! You're
making progress. Hold that thought.

You can fight your own battles.

As if you've ever helped me fight any significant battles, Weil. Show us
just one...


I just love having Arnold dance like a little puppet boy. I type and
he dances.
  #405   Report Post  
Marc Phillips
Posts: n/a
Default Denon vs Yamaha receiver

Arny said:

"Marc Phillips" wrote in message

Arny said:

"Marc Phillips" wrote in message

Arny said:

"Marc Phillips" wrote in message

Not at all. You're talking out of your ass, if that translates to

So speaks one of the more egregious posters of pedophile fantasy on

You know, if Scott Wheeler succeeds, I'm next in line.

Phillips, please hold your breath for sockpuppet wheel to succeed
in doing anything but wasting his money and making a fool of himself.


That was my point, ****head.

What, that you're holding your breath, Phillips?


Are you really this ****ing stupid? I mean REALLY?


  #406   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Denon vs Yamaha receiver

Arny Krueger wrote:

"Marc Phillips" wrote in message

Arny said:

"Marc Phillips" wrote in message

Arny said:

"Marc Phillips" wrote in message

Not at all. You're talking out of your ass, if that translates to

So speaks one of the more egregious posters of pedophile fantasy on

You know, if Scott Wheeler succeeds, I'm next in line.

Phillips, please hold your breath for sockpuppet wheel to succeed
in doing anything but wasting his money and making a fool of himself.


That was my point, ****head.

What, that you're holding your breath, Phillips?


Arny, you sure are laughing a lot--are you sitting close to a mirror?

  #407   Report Post  
Robert L. Bass
Posts: n/a
Default Denon vs Yamaha receiver

Oops! You just invoked Godwin's law. So much for this thread.

Agreed. Now watch Weil try to deceptively wriggle out of his big mistake.


After further discussion I don't think he Godwinized the thread.
Nonetheless, it's degenerated at this point to where it's serving no real
purpose (just my opinion). What say?

  #408   Report Post  
Robert L. Bass
Posts: n/a
Default Denon vs Yamaha receiver

One more example of why politeness is inappropriate
with you, Weil. I learned this the hard way years ago.

All I can hope is that he's paying attention to this exchange. But
that's just for his benefit, not mine. He doesn't have to fight my
battles for *me* either.

I hope you guys don't mind but I have no intention of fighting the battles
of either of you.

  #409   Report Post  
Arny Krueger
Posts: n/a
Default Denon vs Yamaha receiver

"Robert L. Bass" wrote in message
Oops! You just invoked Godwin's law. So much for this thread.

Agreed. Now watch Weil try to deceptively wriggle out of his big



After further discussion I don't think he Godwinized the thread.

Think as you will, but I think you should have stuck to your claim when you
were still correct.

Nonetheless, it's degenerated at this point to where it's serving no real
purpose (just my opinion). What say?

I almost always leave Weil's last comment hanging. Discussing anything with
him has no lasting consequences on him because he has proven himself to be
unteachable. As a college drop-out, he's effectively admitted that fact
himself. What to say about a person whose proud of his "career", which is
aiding and abetting the sale of a legal but dangerous mind-altering

  #410   Report Post  
William Sommerwerck
Posts: n/a
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I almost always leave Weil's last comment hanging. Discussing
anything with him has no lasting consequences on him because
he has proven himself to be unteachable.

People who live in glass houses...

As a college drop-out, he's effectively admitted that fact himself.

Edwin Land and Bill Gates both dropped out of college, and we know how
insufferably stupid they both were.

Anyone who accuses other people of being unteachable, and thinks that going to
college is necessarily to best way to acquire an education, is not someone you
can have much intellectual respect for.

  #411   Report Post  
Arny Krueger
Posts: n/a
Default Denon vs Yamaha receiver

"William Sommerwerck" wrote in message

I almost always leave Weil's last comment hanging. Discussing
anything with him has no lasting consequences on him because
he has proven himself to be unteachable.

People who live in glass houses...

....are sometimes named Sommerwerck.

As a college drop-out, he's effectively admitted that fact himself.

Edwin Land and Bill Gates both dropped out of college, and we know how
insufferably stupid they both were.

Obviously they were still trainable. At age 50, had Land or Gates spent the
previous decade doing nothing but waiting on tables in a cheap bar? That's
the story of Weil's life.

Anyone who accuses other people of being unteachable, and thinks that

going to
college is necessarily to best way to acquire an education, is not someone

can have much intellectual respect for.

Anyone who extracts one tiny comment from a long-running argument and tries
to make an ass out of himself with it, can generally be expected to succeed.

  #412   Report Post  
Robert L. Bass
Posts: n/a
Default Denon vs Yamaha receiver

After further discussion I don't think he Godwinized the thread.

Think as you will, but I think you should have stuck to your claim when

were still correct.

Which one. I still have no problem with your participation (not that it
would matter even if I did). You post lots of stuff about audio which is of
interest to me. Much of the time we seem to agree about audio stuff. If
you and Dave have a dispute that's between you and him. The fellow named
"Middius" is filtered since I couldn't find anything he wrote that interests
me and I did find lots he wrote that was offensive.

When I said I had not seen you posting anything offensive I meant it. When
I declined to go on a witch hunt against you (or Dave or the other fellow,
for that matter) I also meant it. Frankly, if you have some issue with Dave
I don't really care. I think you're a likeable person and you seem to use
common sense about audio. Unsubstantiated claims by someone else that
you're the "Root of All Evil" or whatever else someone wants to say don't
mean squat to me. If you treat me with courtesy I figure your courteous.
End of story.

Nonetheless, it's degenerated at this point to where it's serving no

purpose (just my opinion). What say?

I almost always leave Weil's last comment hanging.

Sounds like a plan.

Discussing anything with him has no lasting consequences on
him because he has proven himself to be unteachable. As a
college drop-out, he's effectively admitted that fact himself.

Hmm. I never finished college either. That didn't mean I'm unteachable --
just stubborn and easily bored with... well, boring stuff. :^)

What to say about a person whose proud of his "career", which is
aiding and abetting the sale of a legal but dangerous mind-altering

I'm not sure I know what you mean. Please explain.

  #413   Report Post  
Arny Krueger
Posts: n/a
Default Denon vs Yamaha receiver

"Robert L. Bass" wrote in message

I almost always leave Weil's last comment hanging.

Sounds like a plan.


  #414   Report Post  
Robert L. Bass
Posts: n/a
Default Denon vs Yamaha receiver

Sounds like a plan.


James! :^)

  #415   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
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I almost always leave Weil's last comment hanging. Discussing anything with
him has no lasting consequences on him because he has proven himself to be
unteachable. As a college drop-out, he's effectively admitted that fact
himself. What to say about a person whose proud of his "career", which is
aiding and abetting the sale of a legal but dangerous mind-altering

Wine is dangerous? Maybe in your hands. What was your career, your vocation,
your calling in life? What craft, skill, art or endevor was it inwhich you have
achieved excellence? Oh yeah, nothing. You must be proud. Your family must be

  #417   Report Post  
Arny Krueger
Posts: n/a
Default Denon vs Yamaha receiver

"S888Wheel" wrote in message

Wine is dangerous?

Sure. About one person in 10 has a propensity to be an alcoholic. Wine can
ruin their life as well as any other alcoholic beverage.

Maybe in your hands.

Stupid gratuitous personal attack noted.

But the answer is no, I'm not one of the one in 10 or so who has problems
with alcohol.

What was your career, your vocation, your calling in life?

There is no "was:, because I'm still pursuing my vocation, my calling in
life. However the fact that you see life as a retrospective is noted,
sockpuppet Wheel. Why don't you tell us what your career, your vocation,
your calling in life was?

What craft, skill, art or endeavor was it in which you have achieved


There is no "was", because I'm still pursuing my skills, my endeavors, the
areas where I have achieved in life. I might even come up with some new
ones! However the fact that you see life in the retrospective sense is
noted, sockuppet Wheel. Why don't you tell us what your craft, skill, art or
endeavor was it in which you have achieved excellence.

Oh yeah, nothing.

To bad your life is over and it came to nothing, sockpuppet wheel.

You must be proud.

I get along.

Your family must be proud.

They have their own lives, their own endeavors, their own areas of personal
excellence. How many children did you father, sockpuppet wheel? What became
of them?

  #418   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Denon vs Yamaha receiver

S888Wheel wrote:
I almost always leave Weil's last comment hanging. Discussing anything with
him has no lasting consequences on him because he has proven himself to be
unteachable. As a college drop-out, he's effectively admitted that fact
himself. What to say about a person whose proud of his "career", which is
aiding and abetting the sale of a legal but dangerous mind-altering

Wine is dangerous? Maybe in your hands. What was your career, your vocation,
your calling in life? What craft, skill, art or endevor was it inwhich you have
achieved excellence? Oh yeah, nothing. You must be proud. Your family must be

Yes wine is dangerous, I've demonstrated that to you so many time !

  #419   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Denon vs Yamaha receiver

I said

What was your career, your vocation, your calling in life?

Arny said

There is no "was:, because I'm still pursuing my vocation, my calling in
life. However the fact that you see life as a retrospective is noted,

No, i don't see life in general "as a retrospective" but I see your life "as a
retrospective" given that it is curently spent on your ass infront of your
computer slaying windmills for the most part. I see you looked for an out
instead of actually answering the question.

Arny said

sockpuppet Wheel. Why don't you tell us what your career, your vocation,
your calling in life was?

Because it is irrelevant to audio and I find bragging to be vulgar. I have
already told you this.

I said

What craft, skill, art or endeavor was it in which you have achieved


Arny said

There is no "was", because I'm still pursuing my skills, my endeavors, the
areas where I have achieved in life.

Again another dodge. You have already admitted to never having excelled at
anything. You think this will change?

Arny said

I might even come up with some new

And pigs may fly.

Arny said

However the fact that you see life in the retrospective sense is
noted, sockuppet Wheel.

The fact is you are simply failing in your deductions. Clearly it is your life
in particular that I see in the past tense. Obviously given that your current
life is spent infront of the computer slaying windmills. I don't think that is
much of a life. But it is yours to do with as you please.

Arny said

Why don't you tell us what your craft, skill, art or
endeavor was it in which you have achieved excellence.

As I said before, Because such things for me are unrelated to audio and I find
bragging vulgar. I wonder if you can remeber the answer this time since I have
had to give it to you numerous times before. I am only calling your chronic
underachieving life on the carpet to point out your hypocrisy in attacking Dave
Weil for his choice of proffession. For all we know Dave may really excel at
being a waiter and we know by your own admission that you excel at nothing.I
guess you weren't up to figuring out the purpose of my posts.

Arny said

To bad your life is over and it came to nothing, sockpuppet wheel.

Dream on Arny.

I said

You must be proud.

Arny said

I get along.

If you call this getting along. Stray dogs get along too.

I said

Your family must be proud.

Arny said

They have their own lives, their own endeavors, their own areas of personal

Good for them. I hope you are right and they haven't been affected by you.

Arny said

How many children did you father, sockpuppet wheel? What became
of them?

Why do you want to know Arny? Could it be to use a tidbit of information to
make a typical unfounded personal attack? That's what I am guessing.

  #420   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Denon vs Yamaha receiver

I also think Denon only made analog amplifier before.

10 years ago, my friend setup his home theater.
He chose Yamaha DSP-A1 instead of Denon
because Yamaha provide many features e.g. church effect.

However, Denon was only a selector of TV, CD player, ...

"George M. Middius" ???

Willie Sommerdork said:

First of all, I don't believe Denon was selling professional PCM

recorders to
anyone, anywhere in 1973 (TICBW).

"1971: LEF Denon demonstrates 18-bit PCM stereo recording using a
helical-scan video recorder."

"1972: Developed the world's first PCM digital recorder for regular
studio use, thus launching the digital audio revolution. Commenced
sales of PCM records."

I think you need to go verbally trash another sales rep.

  #421   Report Post  
Arny Krueger
Posts: n/a
Default Yet Another Example of RAO Troll Hypocrisy

The important thing to notice is that that well-known flaming hypocrite,
sockpuppet "wheel" provided no substantial answers to any of the questions
that he just asked me.

Just guessing here, but I suspect he fears that I would have guessed his
true identity had he answered the questions he asked me. I suspect his
identity is far from what he purports it to be, about one continent's width
distant, to be more exact.

"S888Wheel" wrote in message

I said

What was your career, your vocation, your calling in life?

Arny said

There is no "was:, because I'm still pursuing my vocation, my
calling in life. However the fact that you see life as a
retrospective is noted,

No, i don't see life in general "as a retrospective" but I see your
life "as a retrospective" given that it is curently spent on your ass
infront of your computer slaying windmills for the most part. I see
you looked for an out instead of actually answering the question.

Arny said

sockpuppet Wheel. Why don't you tell us what your career, your
vocation, your calling in life was?

Because it is irrelevant to audio and I find bragging to be vulgar. I
have already told you this.

I said

What craft, skill, art or endeavor was it in which you have
achieved excellence?

Arny said

There is no "was", because I'm still pursuing my skills, my
endeavors, the areas where I have achieved in life.

Again another dodge. You have already admitted to never having
excelled at anything. You think this will change?

Arny said

I might even come up with some new

And pigs may fly.

Arny said

However the fact that you see life in the retrospective sense is
noted, sockuppet Wheel.

The fact is you are simply failing in your deductions. Clearly it is
your life in particular that I see in the past tense. Obviously given
that your current life is spent infront of the computer slaying
windmills. I don't think that is much of a life. But it is yours to
do with as you please.

Arny said

Why don't you tell us what your craft, skill, art or
endeavor was it in which you have achieved excellence.

As I said before, Because such things for me are unrelated to audio
and I find bragging vulgar. I wonder if you can remeber the answer
this time since I have had to give it to you numerous times before. I
am only calling your chronic underachieving life on the carpet to
point out your hypocrisy in attacking Dave Weil for his choice of
proffession. For all we know Dave may really excel at being a waiter
and we know by your own admission that you excel at nothing.I guess
you weren't up to figuring out the purpose of my posts.

Arny said

To bad your life is over and it came to nothing, sockpuppet wheel.

Dream on Arny.

I said

You must be proud.

Arny said

I get along.

If you call this getting along. Stray dogs get along too.

I said

Your family must be proud.

Arny said

They have their own lives, their own endeavors, their own areas of
personal excellence.

Good for them. I hope you are right and they haven't been affected by

Arny said

How many children did you father, sockpuppet wheel? What became
of them?

Why do you want to know Arny? Could it be to use a tidbit of
information to make a typical unfounded personal attack? That's what
I am guessing.

  #422   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Yet Another Example of RAO Troll Hypocrisy

Arny said

The important thing to notice is that that well-known flaming hypocrite,
sockpuppet "wheel" provided no substantial answers to any of the questions
that he just asked me.

Sure I did. I asked you the following:
" What was your career, your vocation,
your calling in life? What craft, skill, art or endevor was it inwhich you have
achieved excellence?" and I provided the answer:" Oh yeah, nothing." You see I
did provide an answer to the questions I asked you.

Arny said

Just guessing here, but I suspect he fears that I would have guessed his
true identity had he answered the questions he asked me.

A rather moronic guess given the fact that I have already given you my true

Arny said

I suspect his
identity is far from what he purports it to be, about one continent's width
distant, to be more exact.

You have a lot of strange ideas.

I noticed you still have yet to face your hypocrisy by dodging the questions I
asked you. That is why I answered them for you. If you don't want to be
reminded of what an underachiever you are then don't attack others for their
proffessions. It's as simple as that.
  #423   Report Post  
dave weil
Posts: n/a
Default Yet Another Example of RAO Troll Hypocrisy

On Wed, 1 Oct 2003 09:16:51 -0400, "Arny Krueger"

The important thing to notice is that that well-known flaming hypocrite,
sockpuppet "wheel" provided no substantial answers to any of the questions
that he just asked me.

You slut, Arnold. I thought that *I* was your only one...
  #424   Report Post  
George M. Middius
Posts: n/a
Default Denon vs Yamaha receiver

Langis said:

I was deeply saddened when he made a public statement a while back that I
could not support.

I do a lot of work for charity, but I don't like to talk about it.

Do you agree that "Islam is a very evil and wicked religion"?

  #425   Report Post  
Robert L. Bass
Posts: n/a
Default Denon vs Yamaha receiver

I do a lot of work for charity, but I don't like to talk about it.

You just did. Note that I only mentioned my role in context of talking
about what others did. The post was intended to be more about them than me.
Sorry if it seemed otherwise.

  #426   Report Post  
Robert L. Bass
Posts: n/a
Default Denon vs Yamaha receiver

And based on this one medical opinion, your
whole family turned to Jesus?

Not quite. I had already made that decision some time before. So had
several others. Some did make a decision for Christ after that but I doubt
my brother's miracle was the sole factor. It sometimes takes a lifetime to
make such a decision.

  #427   Report Post  
Robert L. Bass
Posts: n/a
Default Denon vs Yamaha receiver

Do you agree that "Islam is a very evil and wicked religion"?

Nope. It is simply not my faith. I have a strong enough confidence in my
own beliefs that I don't find it necessary to put down the beliefs of

In short, I am absolutely convinced of the validity of what I believe. I'm
not so self-assured as to deny others the right to be equally certain of
their own beliefs. As long as your religious freedom doesn't involve you
whacking me on the head I've no problem woth you disagreeing with me.

I'm sure enough that I'm right to try to base my own life on what I believe
but not so adamant as to deny you're right to think I'm wrong. Besides,
even if the core of my beliefs is on the mark, I'm only human. Perhaps I
have one or another thing wrong. If I don't allow myself to consider your
ideas too I may miss something important.

  #428   Report Post  
George M. Middius
Posts: n/a
Default Denon vs Yamaha receiver

Robert L. Bass said:

Do you agree that "Islam is a very evil and wicked religion"?

Nope. It is simply not my faith.

Was I talking to you? No I was not.

I have a strong enough confidence in my
own beliefs

Prove you know what the word "belief" means. According to your
previously posted mindless dogma, you don't know the difference
between a belief and a fact.

In short, I am absolutely convinced of the validity of what I believe.

Validity has several meanings, but in the context of a belief system,
factuality is excluded.

I'm sure enough that I'm right to try to base my own life on what I believe
but not so adamant as to deny you're right to think I'm wrong. Besides,
even if the core of my beliefs is on the mark, I'm only human. Perhaps I
have one or another thing wrong.

Yes, you don't know what the word "fact" means.

If I don't allow myself to consider your
ideas too I may miss something important.

Like the fundamental bases for human knowledge, you mean?

  #429   Report Post  
Andrew M.
Posts: n/a
Default Denon vs Yamaha receiver

Robert has small willy syndrome. Everyone tell Robert that he is
adequate now or else he won't shut up.

Robert L. Bass wrote:

I do a lot of work for charity, but I don't like to talk about it.

You just did. Note that I only mentioned my role in context of talking
about what others did. The post was intended to be more about them than me.
Sorry if it seemed otherwise.

  #430   Report Post  
Arny Krueger
Posts: n/a
Default Yet Another Example of RAO Troll Hypocrisy

"S888Wheel" wrote in message

Arny said

The important thing to notice is that that well-known flaming
hypocrite, sockpuppet "wheel" provided no substantial answers to any
of the questions that he just asked me.

Sure I did. I asked you the following:
" What was your career, your vocation,
your calling in life? What craft, skill, art or endevor was it
inwhich you have achieved excellence?" and I provided the answer:" Oh
yeah, nothing." You see I did provide an answer to the questions I
asked you.

Very sad. Is it true, sockpuppet wheel that you're operated by the same
blithering idiot that animates sockpuppet Middius?

  #431   Report Post  
Andrew M.
Posts: n/a
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Robert talks the talk but he don't walk the walk.

Robert L. Bass wrote:

Do you agree that "Islam is a very evil and wicked religion"?

Nope. It is simply not my faith. I have a strong enough confidence in my
own beliefs that I don't find it necessary to put down the beliefs of

In short, I am absolutely convinced of the validity of what I believe. I'm
not so self-assured as to deny others the right to be equally certain of
their own beliefs. As long as your religious freedom doesn't involve you
whacking me on the head I've no problem woth you disagreeing with me.

When you make statements like jesus is lord, you are whacking me over
the head. Please stop.

I'm sure enough that I'm right to try to base my own life on what I believe
but not so adamant as to deny you're right to think I'm wrong. Besides,
even if the core of my beliefs is on the mark, I'm only human. Perhaps I
have one or another thing wrong. If I don't allow myself to consider your
ideas too I may miss something important.

I don't think you believe what you are shoveling. You say you feel a
certain way but then you keep going with this thread as if you feel the
need to defend something. If you need to defend it to us then you aren't
nearly as strong in your beliefs as you would like us to believe.

  #432   Report Post  
Arny Krueger
Posts: n/a
Default Denon vs Yamaha receiver

"Andrew M." wrote in message

Robert has small willy syndrome. Everyone tell Robert that he is
adequate now or else he won't shut up.

Wow, that's a mature line of debate!

Makes me want to run right out and become an atheist so I can say things
like this...


  #433   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Yet Another Example of RAO Troll Hypocrisy

Arny said

The important thing to notice is that that well-known flaming
hypocrite, sockpuppet "wheel" provided no substantial answers to any
of the questions that he just asked me.

I said

Sure I did. I asked you the following:
" What was your career, your vocation,
your calling in life? What craft, skill, art or endevor was it
inwhich you have achieved excellence?" and I provided the answer:" Oh
yeah, nothing." You see I did provide an answer to the questions I
asked you.

Arny said

Very sad.

That you confuse first and second persons when using pronouns? Yes it is very

Arny said

Is it true, sockpuppet wheel that you're operated by the same
blithering idiot that animates sockpuppet Middius?

I have told you my name. If you are not bright enough to deal with such a
simple thing that is sadder than your inability to handle simple pronouns.

  #434   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Yet Another Example of RAO Troll Hypocrisy

The important thing to notice is that that well-known flaming hypocrite,
sockpuppet "wheel" provided no substantial answers to any of the questions
that he just asked me.

Just guessing here, but I suspect he fears that I would have guessed his
true identity had he answered the questions he asked me. I suspect his
identity is far from what he purports it to be, about one continent's width
distant, to be more exact.

Well, now that the libel lawsuit is filed you will see on the complaint that I
am exactly who I say I am. You will see just how idiotic your speculations
about me have been. Please , no prank phone calls or pipe bombs in the mail.

Now the question is, are going to face the music (pun intended) or are you
going to run and hide every time the door bell rings? Don't forget, you had
your chance to clean up your mess free of charge. Oh well.
  #435   Report Post  
dave weil
Posts: n/a
Default Denon vs Yamaha receiver

On Thu, 2 Oct 2003 09:20:31 -0400, "Arny Krueger"

"Andrew M." wrote in message

Robert has small willy syndrome. Everyone tell Robert that he is
adequate now or else he won't shut up.

Wow, that's a mature line of debate!

Makes me want to run right out and become an atheist so I can say things
like this...


Well, you *do* tend to concentrate on the other end of the groin area.
I guess it's the "Christian" thing to do, right?

  #436   Report Post  
George M. Middius
Posts: n/a
Default Arnii Krooger, the bell tolls for thee.

S888Wheel said to ****-for-Brains:

Well, now that the libel lawsuit is filed you will see on the complaint that I
am exactly who I say I am. You will see just how idiotic your speculations
about me have been. Please , no prank phone calls or pipe bombs in the mail.

You did it? You really filed? I'm impressed.

Since my last prediction about Krooger's response was proved right,
I'd like to try again. This time, he will refuse to sign for the
letter, thinking that will shield him. When Mister Wheeler gets the
return receipt marked "Delivery Refused", he will have an easy time in
court. Krooger will continue to spew his "debating trade" garbage on
RAO, pretending the lawsuit has been quashed because he refused to
read the notice. He will wail and moan that other people have called
him every name in the book, including pedophile, and that entitles him
to make the same accusation against anybody he wants to.

Bottom line: Krooger will not show up in court or send an attorney in
his place. So please be sure to specify monetary damages in lieu of
the apology you've been asking for. That way you can get a lawyer in
Michigan to seek judgment for you.

  #437   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Arnii Krooger, the bell tolls for thee.

George M. Middius wrote:

S888Wheel said to ****-for-Brains:

Well, now that the libel lawsuit is filed you will see on the complaint that I
am exactly who I say I am. You will see just how idiotic your speculations
about me have been. Please , no prank phone calls or pipe bombs in the mail.

You did it? You really filed? I'm impressed.

Since my last prediction about Krooger's response was proved right,
I'd like to try again. This time, he will refuse to sign for the
letter, thinking that will shield him. When Mister Wheeler gets the
return receipt marked "Delivery Refused", he will have an easy time in
court. Krooger will continue to spew his "debating trade" garbage on
RAO, pretending the lawsuit has been quashed because he refused to
read the notice. He will wail and moan that other people have called
him every name in the book, including pedophile, and that entitles him
to make the same accusation against anybody he wants to.

Bottom line: Krooger will not show up in court or send an attorney in
his place. So please be sure to specify monetary damages in lieu of
the apology you've been asking for. That way you can get a lawyer in
Michigan to seek judgment for you.

If NostraMiddius make such predictions, we could be very optimistic for
Arnold Krueger.
Mr. Wheeler you should ask him to shut up, Middius is like a black cat
for you !


  #438   Report Post  
dave weil
Posts: n/a
Default Arnii Krooger, the bell tolls for thee.

On Thu, 02 Oct 2003 11:23:50 -0400, George M. Middius

S888Wheel said to ****-for-Brains:

Well, now that the libel lawsuit is filed you will see on the complaint that I
am exactly who I say I am. You will see just how idiotic your speculations
about me have been. Please , no prank phone calls or pipe bombs in the mail.

You did it? You really filed? I'm impressed.

Since my last prediction about Krooger's response was proved right,
I'd like to try again. This time, he will refuse to sign for the
letter, thinking that will shield him. When Mister Wheeler gets the
return receipt marked "Delivery Refused", he will have an easy time in
court. Krooger will continue to spew his "debating trade" garbage on
RAO, pretending the lawsuit has been quashed because he refused to
read the notice. He will wail and moan that other people have called
him every name in the book, including pedophile, and that entitles him
to make the same accusation against anybody he wants to.

Bottom line: Krooger will not show up in court or send an attorney in
his place. So please be sure to specify monetary damages in lieu of
the apology you've been asking for. That way you can get a lawyer in
Michigan to seek judgment for you.

If you're expecting a reply from Arnold, sorry, he's busy taking a
screwdriver to his spell-checker.
  #439   Report Post  
Arny Krueger
Posts: n/a
Default Yet Another Example of RAO Troll Hypocrisy

"S888Wheel" wrote in message

I have told you my name.

Wrong sockpuppet Wheel, you told me a name you wanted me to believe was your

In fact you've been trying to conceal your true identity from me all along,
to the point of sending me anonymous threats by mail.

  #440   Report Post  
Arny Krueger
Posts: n/a
Default Yet Another Example of RAO Troll Hypocrisy

"S888Wheel" wrote in message

The important thing to notice is that that well-known flaming
hypocrite, sockpuppet "wheel" provided no substantial answers to any
of the questions that he just asked me.

Just guessing here, but I suspect he fears that I would have guessed
his true identity had he answered the questions he asked me. I
suspect his identity is far from what he purports it to be, about
one continent's width distant, to be more exact.

Well, now that the libel lawsuit is filed you will see on the
complaint that I am exactly who I say I am.

Prove that the suit is actually filed, sockpuppet Wheel.

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