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  #81   Report Post  
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John Fields John Fields is offline
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Posts: 75
Default Mixing 4 audio channels to 3?

On Fri, 11 Nov 2011 09:18:16 -0800, DaveC wrote:

Here's the whole thing; DC coupled mixer with a charge pump for a
negative supply:

John, what's the reason behind choosing 6.2K for the feedback R on U3 (sub op

It makes the output of the sub channel approximately equal to the
outputs of the other channels with 1VPP inputs from the four sources.

And if that is to be a pot (the original idea), is 10K appropriate?

Yes, if all the other resistors are 10k.

There should be some kind of sub volume control...

That'll work.

  #82   Report Post  
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John Fields John Fields is offline
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Default Mixing 4 audio channels to 3?

On Wed, 9 Nov 2011 12:31:43 -0800, DaveC wrote:

First you can replace C1-[4?] with 1uF each. Replace C8 with 220uF, and
omit U4 & C9 entirely.

Leave C5-7 as is?

You dont want to use a 50k pot followed by a 10k load (R5-12).

Teach this man to fish: why don't I want to use 50K pot & 10K load

OK, here's opamps 101:

You're using the inverting - or "summing" - amplifier configuration
because all of the sources are feeding loads connected to virtual
grounds and, consequently, can't interact and cause crosstalk between

Here's how it works: (view with a fixed-pitch font)

.. E2 E3
.. \ /
.. E1 +--[R2]--+
.. \ | |
.. +--[R1]--+--|-\ |
.. | | --+
.. [GEN] +--|+/
.. | |

Now, what the opamp's job is is to make the output voltage (E3)swing
to whatever it needs to be to make the voltage on the inverting (-)
input be the same as the voltage on the non-inverting (+) input.

In this case the + input is at ground, 0V, so if R1 is equal to R2,
and E1 is at 1V, then E3 has to go to -1V to make E2 = 0V.

What also happens is that since one end of R1 is sitting at 0V and the
other end is sitting at 1V, it's the same as if the end with 0V on it
was connected to ground and, indeed, the same current will flow
through the resistor in either situation.

But what does that have to do with a 50k pot feeding a 10k load?


Considering the 10k resistor to be grounded on one end and the other
end connected to a pot wired like a voltage divider, you'll have this:

.. |R1
.. [POT]--+
.. | |R2
.. | [10K]
.. | |

Note that the portion of the pot's resistive element located between
the slider and ground is connected in _parallel_ with R2, so for a 50k
pot and a 10k load the total resistance will be:

.. R1 * R2 50k * 10k
.. Rt = --------- = ----------- ~ 8333 ohms
.. R1 + R2 50k + 10k

Now, with the opamp in there we'll have:

.. E2 E3
.. \ /
.. E1 +--[R3]--+
.. |R1 | |
.. [POT]--[R2]--+--|-\ |
.. | | --+
.. GND +--|+/
.. |
.. GND

If R1 is at 50k and R2 and R3 are 10k, then the circuit will look

.. E2 E3
.. \ R3 /
.. E1 +-[10k]-+
.. \ R2 | |
.. +--[10k]--+--|-\ |
.. | | -+
.. [50k] +--|+/
.. | |

and the output voltage will be:

.. -E1 * R3 -1V * 10k
.. E3 = --------- = ---------- = -1V
.. R2 10k

As the pot is rotated, the part of the element between the input
voltage and the wiper will appear in series with the parallel
combination of R2 and the element between the wiper and ground, so the
circuit now looks like this:

.. E1 E3
.. | R3 /
.. [Ra] +-[10k]-+
.. | R2 | |
.. E2-+----[10k]--+--|-\ |
.. | | -+
.. [Rb] +--|+/
.. | |

and, since R2 is effectively in parallel with Rb, that'll look like

.. E1
.. |
.. [Ra] E2
.. | /
.. +-----+
.. | |
.. [Rb] [R2]
.. | |

Now, since Rb and R2 are in parallel, their total resistance will be:

.. Rb * R2
.. Rt = ---------
.. Rb + R2

and the voltage across them will be:

.. E1 * Rt
.. E2 = ---------
.. Ra + Rt

Just for grins let's say we crank the pot so that Ra is 5k.

Then we can solve for Rt:

.. 45kR * 10kR
.. Rt = ------------- ~ 8182 ohms,
.. 45kR + 10kR

And E2:

.. 1V * 8182R
.. E2 = --------------- ~0.621 volt
.. 5000R + 8182R

Now, since that voltage appears across R2, and R2 is connected to a
virtual ground, a potential difference exists across the resistor and
charge must flow through it.

That current is supplied by the output of the opamp and, since it must
drive the virtual ground to zero volts, the sign of its output voltage
must be opposite to the sign of E2 while, since R2 and R3 are the same
value, the opamp's output will be the same magnitude as the input

.. E1 -0.621V
.. | 0.621V R3 /
.. [Ra] / +-[10k]-+
.. | / R2 | |
.. +-+--[10k]--+--|-\ |
.. | / | -+
.. [Rb] / +--|+/
.. | 0V |

"OK", you may say, "but what on Earth does that have to do with a 50k
pot feeding a 10k load?"

If we make a table of changes in output voltage as a function of
successive 5kohm changes in pot resistance, we'll have:

.. R V dV
.. 50k 1.000 0.379
.. 45k 0.621 0.177
.. 40k 0.444 0.103
.. 35k 0.341 0.069
.. 30k 0.272 0.050
.. 25k 0.222 0.040
.. 20k 0.182 0.036
.. 15k 0.146 0.035
.. 10k 0.111 0.042
.. 5k 0.069 0.069
.. 0k 0.000 -----

You can see from dV that the change in voltage isn't very linear.


I'd go
with 10k pots and 100k for R5-12, adjusting the nfb Rs accordingly.

"adjusting" means replace those with 100K's also?

I'd leave the 10k fixed resistors in there and make the right and left
channel pots dual 1k's.

BTW, I plotted the difference between 50k pots into 10k loads and 1k
pots into 10k loads (same as 10k pots into 100k loads) and you can
find the PDF at:

If that link doesn't work it's over on abse as:

"Pots, loads, and linearity."

  #83   Report Post  
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tuinkabouter tuinkabouter is offline
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Default Mixing 4 audio channels to 3?

On 11/12/2011 7:21 PM, John Fields wrote:
On Wed, 9 Nov 2011 12:31:43 -0800, wrote:

. E1 -0.621V
. | 0.621V R3 /
. [Ra] / +-[10k]-+
. | / R2 | |
. +-+--[10k]--+--|-\ |
. | / |-+
. [Rb] / +--|+/
. | 0V |

"OK", you may say, "but what on Earth does that have to do with a 50k
pot feeding a 10k load?"

If we make a table of changes in output voltage as a function of
successive 5kohm changes in pot resistance, we'll have:

. R V dV
. 50k 1.000 0.379
. 45k 0.621 0.177
. 40k 0.444 0.103
. 35k 0.341 0.069
. 30k 0.272 0.050
. 25k 0.222 0.040
. 20k 0.182 0.036
. 15k 0.146 0.035
. 10k 0.111 0.042
. 5k 0.069 0.069
. 0k 0.000 -----

You can see from dV that the change in voltage isn't very linear.

Our hearing is more or less logarithmic, so it might be about right.

Further more most volume pots in audio are logarithmic.

  #84   Report Post  
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DaveC[_2_] DaveC[_2_] is offline
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Default Mixing 4 audio channels to 3?

Here's the whole thing; DC coupled mixer with a charge pump for a
negative supply:

"mF" means microfarad?


  #85   Report Post  
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DaveC[_2_] DaveC[_2_] is offline
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Default Mixing 4 audio channels to 3?

Thanks for the great explanation JF.

If that link doesn't work it's over on abse as:

"Pots, loads, and linearity."


The link doesn't work, and my service doesn't carry binaries.

How about putting it here? ::


  #86   Report Post  
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John Fields John Fields is offline
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Default Mixing 4 audio channels to 3?

On Sat, 12 Nov 2011 12:03:41 -0800, DaveC wrote:

Here's the whole thing; DC coupled mixer with a charge pump for a
negative supply:

"mF" means microfarad?

No, "mF" means millifarad, = 1000µF

Here's the latest:

Version 4
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WIRE -64 -192 -96 -192
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WIRE -64 -144 -64 -192
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WIRE -576 688 -576 656
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WIRE -32 864 -32 704
WIRE 304 864 304 640
WIRE 304 864 -32 864
WIRE 384 864 384 816
WIRE 384 864 304 864
WIRE 384 896 384 864
WIRE -832 1008 -832 944
WIRE -656 1008 -656 944
WIRE -656 1008 -832 1008
WIRE -480 1008 -480 944
WIRE -480 1008 -656 1008
WIRE -304 1008 -304 944
WIRE -304 1008 -480 1008
WIRE -80 1008 -80 944
WIRE -80 1008 -304 1008
WIRE 336 1008 336 576
WIRE 336 1008 -80 1008
WIRE 384 1008 384 960
WIRE 384 1008 336 1008
WIRE 640 1008 640 912
WIRE 640 1008 384 1008
WIRE 752 1008 752 912
WIRE 752 1008 640 1008
WIRE -832 1104 -832 1008
FLAG -64 272 0
FLAG 0 -448 +16
FLAG 0 -384 -10
FLAG -64 -352 0
FLAG -832 1104 0
FLAG -64 -16 0
FLAG 464 -416 LA+LB
FLAG 464 -80 LA+LB+RA+RB
FLAG 464 208 RA+RB
FLAG 0 -112 +16
FLAG 0 176 +16
FLAG 0 -48 -10
FLAG 0 240 -10
FLAG -112 576 +16
FLAG 768 704 -10
FLAG 160 -336 0
FLAG 160 0 0
FLAG 144 288 0
FLAG 256 496 0
FLAG 320 -272 0
FLAG 320 64 0
FLAG 320 352 0
FLAG -288 -96 RB
FLAG -288 -144 RA
FLAG -288 -192 LB
FLAG -288 -240 LA
FLAG -800 848 LA
FLAG -624 848 LB
FLAG -448 848 RA
FLAG -272 848 RB
FLAG -752 800 0
FLAG -576 800 0
FLAG -400 800 0
FLAG -224 800 0
FLAG 192 496 0
SYMBOL Opamps\\LT1007 0 144 R0
SYMBOL voltage -304 848 R0
WINDOW 3 24 96 Invisible 2
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 2
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 2
WINDOW 0 15 107 Left 2
SYMATTR Value SINE(0 2 1000)
SYMBOL res -112 176 R90
WINDOW 0 0 56 VBottom 2
WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 2
SYMATTR Value 10k
SYMBOL res -112 80 R90
WINDOW 0 0 56 VBottom 2
WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 2
SYMATTR Value 10k
SYMBOL res 64 80 R90
WINDOW 0 -35 58 VBottom 2
WINDOW 3 -35 60 VTop 2
SYMATTR Value 10k
SYMBOL Opamps\\LT1007 0 -480 R0
SYMBOL res -112 -448 R90
WINDOW 0 0 56 VBottom 2
WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 2
SYMATTR Value 10k
SYMBOL res -112 -544 R90
WINDOW 0 0 56 VBottom 2
WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 2
SYMATTR Value 10k
SYMBOL res 64 -544 R90
WINDOW 0 -38 58 VBottom 2
WINDOW 3 -33 59 VTop 2
SYMATTR Value 10k
SYMBOL res -80 -112 R90
WINDOW 0 0 56 VBottom 2
WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 2
SYMATTR Value 10k
SYMBOL res -176 -160 R90
WINDOW 0 0 56 VBottom 2
WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 2
SYMATTR Value 10k
SYMBOL res -80 -208 R90
WINDOW 0 0 56 VBottom 2
WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 2
SYMATTR Value 10k
SYMBOL res -176 -256 R90
WINDOW 0 0 56 VBottom 2
WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 2
SYMATTR InstName R10
SYMATTR Value 10k
SYMBOL Opamps\\LT1007 0 -144 R0
SYMBOL res 64 -256 R90
WINDOW 0 -37 62 VBottom 2
WINDOW 3 -37 60 VTop 2
SYMATTR InstName R12
SYMBOL voltage -480 848 R0
WINDOW 3 24 96 Invisible 2
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 2
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 2
WINDOW 0 15 112 Left 2
SYMATTR Value SINE(0 2 1700)
SYMBOL voltage -656 848 R0
WINDOW 3 24 96 Invisible 2
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 2
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 2
WINDOW 0 15 112 Left 2
SYMATTR Value SINE(0 2 2300)
SYMBOL voltage -832 848 R0
WINDOW 3 24 96 Invisible 2
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 2
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 2
WINDOW 0 15 110 Left 2
SYMATTR Value SINE(0 2 4260)
SYMBOL Misc\\NE555 128 672 M0
SYMBOL voltage -80 848 M0
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 2
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 2
SYMATTR Value 16
SYMBOL cap 400 896 M0
WINDOW 0 -19 1 Left 2
WINDOW 3 -21 57 Left 2
SYMATTR Value 1n
SYMBOL diode 736 720 M270
WINDOW 0 32 32 VTop 2
WINDOW 3 0 32 VBottom 2
SYMATTR Value 1N4148
SYMBOL diode 656 848 M0
SYMATTR Value 1N4148
SYMBOL polcap 736 912 M180
WINDOW 0 24 57 Left 2
WINDOW 3 24 8 Left 2
SYMATTR Value 1µ
SYMBOL polcap 544 688 M90
WINDOW 0 0 32 VBottom 2
WINDOW 3 32 32 VTop 2
SYMATTR Value 1µ
SYMBOL res 368 720 R0
SYMATTR InstName R13
SYMATTR Value 10k
SYMBOL res 528 688 R90
WINDOW 0 0 56 VBottom 2
WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 2
SYMATTR InstName R14
SYMATTR Value 100
SYMBOL sw 128 -416 R270
WINDOW 0 32 15 Left 2
WINDOW 3 32 44 Left 2
SYMBOL sw 128 -80 R270
WINDOW 0 32 15 Left 2
WINDOW 3 32 44 Left 2
SYMBOL sw 112 208 R270
WINDOW 0 32 15 Left 2
WINDOW 3 32 44 Left 2
SYMBOL res -48 512 R180
WINDOW 0 36 76 Left 2
WINDOW 3 36 40 Left 2
SYMATTR InstName R11
SYMATTR Value 10k
SYMBOL cap 240 400 R0
SYMATTR Value 510n
SYMBOL res 304 -400 R0
SYMATTR InstName R15
SYMATTR Value 1000
SYMBOL res 304 -64 R0
SYMATTR InstName R16
SYMATTR Value 1000
SYMBOL res 304 224 R0
SYMATTR InstName R17
SYMATTR Value 1000
SYMBOL res -848 672 R0
SYMATTR InstName R20
SYMATTR Value 500
SYMBOL res -768 672 R0
SYMATTR InstName R18
SYMATTR Value 500
SYMBOL res -672 672 R0
SYMATTR InstName R19
SYMATTR Value 500
SYMBOL res -592 672 R0
SYMATTR InstName R21
SYMATTR Value 500
SYMBOL res -496 672 R0
SYMATTR InstName R22
SYMATTR Value 500
SYMBOL res -416 672 R0
SYMATTR InstName R23
SYMATTR Value 500
SYMBOL res -320 672 R0
SYMATTR InstName R24
SYMATTR Value 500
SYMBOL res -240 672 R0
SYMATTR InstName R25
SYMATTR Value 500
SYMBOL zener 208 464 R180
WINDOW 0 23 69 Left 2
WINDOW 3 24 0 Left 2
SYMATTR Value 1N750
TEXT -616 1040 Right 2 !.tran .01 startup uic
TEXT -808 1080 Left 2 !.model SW SW(Ron=50 Roff=10Meg Vt=2.5 Vh=0)
TEXT -840 632 Left 2 ;1K POT
TEXT -648 632 Left 2 ;1K POT
TEXT -488 632 Left 2 ;1K POT
TEXT -296 632 Left 2 ;1K POT
  #87   Report Post  
Posted to,,,
DaveC[_2_] DaveC[_2_] is offline
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Default Mixing 4 audio channels to 3?

Here's the latest:

Almost! :-)

I need some absolute attenuation for the sub's output and some relative to
the input signal.

In other words: I need to be able to change the input level to the mixer
(each of the 2 sound card's level will remain most of the time at max) so I
can change volume for each stereo input (from each sound card) and for the
*relative* level of the sub. The way it is now, the sub is outputting full
level (no pots in that circuit) and the L and R channels are variable.

So, the input to the sub mixer circuit needs to come from the input pots'
wipers, not directly from the input. And U3 needs variable gain.

The power amp (that this mixer is supplying the audio to) has a mute pin that
has a slow R-C tc on it, so we can eliminate S1-S3 and assoc. components, I


  #88   Report Post  
Posted to,,,
John Fields John Fields is offline
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Posts: 75
Default Mixing 4 audio channels to 3?

On Sat, 12 Nov 2011 12:19:18 -0800, DaveC wrote:

Thanks for the great explanation JF.

If that link doesn't work it's over on abse as:

"Pots, loads, and linearity."


The link doesn't work, and my service doesn't carry binaries.

How about putting it here? ::

They don't accept .pdf's.

Send me your email addy and I'll email you a copy.

  #89   Report Post  
Posted to,,,
John Fields John Fields is offline
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Default Mixing 4 audio channels to 3?

On Sat, 12 Nov 2011 14:05:28 -0800, DaveC wrote:

Here's the latest:

Almost! :-)

I need some absolute attenuation for the sub's output and some relative to
the input signal.

In other words: I need to be able to change the input level to the mixer
(each of the 2 sound card's level will remain most of the time at max) so I
can change volume for each stereo input (from each sound card) and for the
*relative* level of the sub. The way it is now, the sub is outputting full
level (no pots in that circuit) and the L and R channels are variable.

Not true.

With R12 cranked down to minimum R the output of U3 goes down to about
600µVPP out with 2VPP out of the sound card(s), and up to about 6VPP
with R12 at 10k so, if you use a 10k pot for R12, there's your center
channel volume control.

So, the input to the sub mixer circuit needs to come from the input pots'
wipers, not directly from the input. And U3 needs variable gain.

Easy enough; if that's what you want, then just disconnect R7, R8, R9,
and R10 from the sound card outputs and connect them to the pot

The power amp (that this mixer is supplying the audio to) has a mute pin that
has a slow R-C tc on it, so we can eliminate S1-S3 and assoc. components, I

The proof is in the pudding.

  #90   Report Post  
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DaveC[_2_] DaveC[_2_] is offline
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Default Mixing 4 audio channels to 3?

With R12 cranked down to minimum R the output of U3 goes down to about
600µVPP out with 2VPP out of the sound card(s), and up to about 6VPP
with R12 at 10k so, if you use a 10k pot for R12, there's your center
channel volume control.

Yeah, R12 needs to be a pot. That does it.


  #91   Report Post  
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The Ghost In The Machine[_2_] The Ghost In The Machine[_2_] is offline
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Default Mixing 4 audio channels to 3?

On Nov 12, 11:09*pm, DaveC wrote:
With R12 cranked down to minimum R the output of U3 goes down to about
600µVPP out with 2VPP out of the sound card(s), and up to about 6VPP
with R12 at 10k so, if you use a 10k pot for R12, there's your center
channel volume control.

Yeah, R12 needs to be a pot. That does it.



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