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  #81   Report Post  
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George M. Middius George M. Middius is offline
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Default Can this ignoramus really be an engineer?

paul packer said:

You speak truthfully.

Also...he speaks the truth.

Yea, verily.


Lionella loves the Krooborg from afar. With mud on top.
  #82   Report Post  
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robert casey robert casey is offline
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Default Can this ignoramus really be an engineer?

But what sort of an engineer has never heard of Timoshenko's Strength
of Materials? Several hundred editions were published in the last
hundred years. It is a reference known to every engineer and techie, to
every scaffolder and rigger.

Any mechanical or civil engineer would know that stuff, but electrical
engineers are not usually taught it except maybe a sophomore year 3
credit class. And usually quickly forgotten after the final exam. And
that was my experience 30 years ago, maybe most colleges have since
deleted this class as a requirement. Because there's too much more
pertinent stuff for electricals to learn.

  #83   Report Post  
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Andre Jute Andre Jute is offline
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Default Can this ignoramus Graham "Poopie" Stevenson really be an engineer?

Jenn wrote:
In article ,
(Don Pearce) wrote:

On Sat, 30 Dec 2006 18:59:01 +0000, Eeyore

Don Pearce wrote:

On Sat, 30 Dec 2006 18:36:20 +0000, Eiron wrote:

Don Pearce wrote:

The word "grammatic" isn't even in Merriam-Webster online. In
Dictionary Online it is given the meaning "of or pertaining to
grammar", which is not the usage we had here, which was of the correct
use of grammar - the word for which is grammatical.

The OED has no entry for grammatic.

Mine does, and that's just the Shorter OED.
When I'm feeling really pedantic I cycle seven miles to the public
library to consult the full 24 volume edition.

Quite so. But grammatic and grammatical mean two quite different
things. You can talk about the grammatic structure of a sentence, but
if you are discussing the correctness of that structure, the word is

Americans often have trouble with different meanings. See alternate and
alternative for example.


Momentarily and soon seem to give them trouble too. And of course
American English is now a language essentially without adverbs.


You speak truthfully.

Now, now, Jenn, it is most unladylike to leave such hairy footprints on
dear old Don. He has gone up in my estimation recently for the quality
of his jokes, if not for his anti-Americanism. -- Andre Jute

  #84   Report Post  
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Andre Jute Andre Jute is offline
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Default Can this ignoramus Graham "Poopie" Stevenson really be an engineer?

Gerhard wrote:
And this has to do with audio electronics, what?

"Andre Jute" wrote in message

Jason Lavoie wrote:
Andre Jute wrote:
Graham "Poopie" Stevenson claims to be a qualified engineer. Yet he

Andre Jute wrote:

There is a mechanical property of metals that most of the

qualities in
a rod is concentrated in the narrow section of the rim.

Is that so Jootikins ?

We'll skip lightly over Poopie's exceedingly unprofessional lack of
professional gravitas.

I expect that if true, this knowledge must be widely available. How

about a cite

We'll skip lightly over Poopie's illiterate use of the verb "cite" for
the noun, "citation", or Poopie's appalling misuse of that concept

he means "reference".

But what sort of an engineer has never heard of Timoshenko's Strength
of Materials? Several hundred editions were published in the last
hundred years. It is a reference known to every engineer and techie,

every scaffolder and rigger. But Graham "Poopie" Stevenson is ignorant
of Timo!

Is there is anyone who was at college with Poopie Stevenson who can
confirm his claim that he qualified as an engineer? Not that a diploma
guarantees competence -- we've seen quite a few diplomaed quarterwits
on these newsgroups over the years -- but at least its lack would be a
start towards explaining Poopie Stevenson's ignorance on this and

matters essential to any self-respecting engineer.

Andre Jute
The trouble with Poopie is not what he doesn't know, but what he knows
for certain that isn't true. --- with apologies to Mark Twain

those of use who are not mechanical or structural engineers will almost
certainly not be familiar with timmy's strength of materials.
electrical engineers are not required to study structures at length.


That may be true, Jason, but if you cast your mind back I think you
will discover that the reason pipes are preferred to rods was mentioned
in the first ten minutes of whatever time was given to structures.
Poopie Stevenson above admits that he is ignorant of an engineering
fact known by every hotrodder in the world. And, if he doesn't know any
hotrodders to straighten him out, he claims to have associated with
rock groups, so how come he lacks the curiosity in forty years to ask
the roadies and riggers why they use tubes rather than rods for
erecting stands? I mean, this idiot Poopie Stevenson has the monumental
cheek to lecture people who actually build their own gear on "science",
but he has no common curiosity, and no common sense either, just a
little bit of rote learning that he spouts as rules of thumb as if he's
frightened that thought will tarnish him.

timmy's strength of materials.

Timoshenko was an educated Ukrainian of Victorian times. He would not
have spoken with the strangled peasant accent later popularized by
Kremlin-dwelling Ukrainian scum like Kruschev. So the likelihood is
that he would have pronounced his name tea-moe-shank-ko, not
tim-mo-shenko. So I prefer Timo to Timmy, though I surely admire your
familiarity with the great man.

Andre Jute
Impedance is futile, you will be simulated into the triode of the Borg.
-- Robert Casey

Gerhard wrote:
And this has to do with audio electronics, what?

We're wondering ourselves here on (RAT) what Poopie
Stevenson and Slapdash Krueger's ignorance has to do with the sort of
electronics we do. These two clowns, despite being told repeatedly that
they are not welcome, hang around deliberately draining the glee from
our tube audio hobby.

What happened is that a distinguished RAT discussed someone else's
theory of thin cables. I pointed out, above, that *mechanically" a tube
is much more economical than a rod of material, and that a thin film is
just an opened out tube.

Predictably, these two undereducated, unread (actually illiterate)
scumballs, Graham "Poopie" Stevenson and Arny "Slapdash" Krueger, then
stormed around displaying their ignorance like beggars proudly showing
off their amputations by leprosy.

So, Gerhard, now you know as much as we do about why these two idiots
have boosted a quiet little discussion between likeminded
niche-hobbyists into an audio-wide bovver. I suppose it is just what
their sort of bullies do when they meet people who don't conform to
their own lowest common denominator of brutish ignorance.

Slapdash Krueger, incidentally, also told several lies, and displayed
an amazing contempt for the laws of physics, then ran when confronted
with his lies and deceits. That is in another thread also widely

HTH. Anytime you want the behaviour of netscum explained, just ask; I'm
the fellow who saw off the Magnequest Scum and Pinkerton and a few
lesser bores; eventually I shall take care of Slapdash and Poopie too.

Andre Jute
Visit Jute on Amps at

  #85   Report Post  
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Peter Howard Peter Howard is offline
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Default Can this ignoramus Graham "Poopie" Stevenson really be an engineer?

"Andre Jute" wrote in message

snip a lot of stuff

Timoshenko was an educated Ukrainian of Victorian times. He would not
have spoken with the strangled peasant accent later popularized by
Kremlin-dwelling Ukrainian scum like Kruschev. So the likelihood is
that he would have pronounced his name tea-moe-shank-ko, not
tim-mo-shenko. So I prefer Timo to Timmy, though I surely admire your
familiarity with the great man.


Andre Jute
Impedance is futile, you will be simulated into the triode of the Borg.
-- Robert Casey

The troll Jute has "advanced" his arguments by pedantic nit-picking in
recent threads.

I'll enter into the spirit of the game by pointing out the following facts:-

(1) The surname of the late former First Secretary of the CPSU cannot be
rendered as "Kruschev" under any recognised system of transliteration from
the Cyrillic.

(2) The late Soviet Premier was born to Russian peasant parents of Kalinovka
in the old Kursk Guberniya of Tsarist Russia. This adminstrative region was
not then and has never been within the borders of Ukraine. Nikita Khrushchev
(or Khrushchyov) began his working career in the present-day city of Donetsk
after moving there as a teenager and had much to do with the forced
collectivization of the Ukrainian SSR under Stalin but was not Ukrainian by

That's two errors by Jute in one sentence. What a contrast to the rigorous
standards he attempts to force on others!

Trolls are boringly predictable because they can never ever admit to error.
Therefore I will outline the possible directions that Jute will jump now.

(1) Ignore this post. Pretend he didn't see it or that he has me killfiled.

(2) Thank me effusively for the information. Call me "old boy" and claim
that a gentleman of libertarian persuasion such as himself can't be bothered
knowing all the orthographic or biographical ins and outs of a dead Commie

(3) Resort to ad hominem abuse. He'll call me "fartcatcher" and suggest that
I must have a serious crush on him if I monitor his every utterance so

Peter Howard

[1] I don't for one moment believe that Jute has any familiarity with
Timoshenko's work. The introduction of the mans name is probably the result
of a hasty Google search and selection of the most exotic sounding hit. We
can at least be grateful that Jute does not claim to have been taught by him
or to have corresponded with him.

  #86   Report Post  
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Arny Krueger Arny Krueger is offline
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"Keith G" wrote in message

"Soundhaspriority" wrote in message

In a good school, the first year physics course touches
on many things, including the static strength of
materials. Given that Andre's focus has been primarily
in the arts, his familiarity is impressive. It comes
from making self education a part of one's life.

Nicely put....

....for a sycophant.

  #87   Report Post  
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David Houpt David Houpt is offline
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Any mechanical or civil engineer would know that stuff

Quite so.

My father was a mechanical engineer and wrote textbooks aimed at
mechanical engineering technicians. Strength of Materials gets a chapter
or two in both books.

  #88   Report Post  
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Keith G Keith G is offline
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Default Can this ignoramus really be an engineer?

"Arny Krueger" wrote in message
"Keith G" wrote in message

"Soundhaspriority" wrote in message

In a good school, the first year physics course touches
on many things, including the static strength of
materials. Given that Andre's focus has been primarily
in the arts, his familiarity is impressive. It comes
from making self education a part of one's life.

Nicely put....

...for a sycophant.

I wouldn't know, I don't know the parties involved (who is 'Poopie', for
instance?), but thanks for snipping to the relevant bit only - very
perspicacious of you!

(I hadn't noticed the preceding comments deeply embedded/hidden in the post
until I posted my reply!)

  #89   Report Post  
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lkgeo1 lkgeo1 is offline
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Default Can this ignoramus really be an engineer?

Eeyore wrote:
Licky licky, slurp slurp. You're a gayboy too ?


  #90   Report Post  
Posted to,,,,
Gerhard Gerhard is offline
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Default Can this ignoramus Graham "Poopie" Stevenson really be an engineer?

Thanks Andre,
I understand now that the disagreement started before the crossposting and
that the origin was a discussion about conductivity rather than tensile
It is indeed regrettable that the tone of the conversation has lost its
civility and become one of personal difference and dislike.
I find these groups generally very helpful, although I am aware that strong
opinions abound. I do not 'hang out' here, but rather only visit when I
need some help with maintaining my aging solid state audio equipment.
As such I have never been to Although I can see how that
group could also be helpful with general issues such as potentiometers,
since both types of circuits use them. That was the current reason for my
I hope you resolve your differences, and in the spirit of the season I wish
everyone and all
a Happy and Peaceful New Year,

"Andre Jute" wrote in message

Gerhard wrote:
And this has to do with audio electronics, what?

"Andre Jute" wrote in message

Jason Lavoie wrote:
Andre Jute wrote:
Graham "Poopie" Stevenson claims to be a qualified engineer. Yet


Andre Jute wrote:

There is a mechanical property of metals that most of the

qualities in
a rod is concentrated in the narrow section of the rim.

Is that so Jootikins ?

We'll skip lightly over Poopie's exceedingly unprofessional lack

professional gravitas.

I expect that if true, this knowledge must be widely available.

about a cite

We'll skip lightly over Poopie's illiterate use of the verb "cite"

the noun, "citation", or Poopie's appalling misuse of that concept

he means "reference".

But what sort of an engineer has never heard of Timoshenko's

of Materials? Several hundred editions were published in the last
hundred years. It is a reference known to every engineer and

every scaffolder and rigger. But Graham "Poopie" Stevenson is

of Timo!

Is there is anyone who was at college with Poopie Stevenson who

confirm his claim that he qualified as an engineer? Not that a

guarantees competence -- we've seen quite a few diplomaed

on these newsgroups over the years -- but at least its lack would

be a
start towards explaining Poopie Stevenson's ignorance on this and

matters essential to any self-respecting engineer.

Andre Jute
The trouble with Poopie is not what he doesn't know, but what he

for certain that isn't true. --- with apologies to Mark Twain

those of use who are not mechanical or structural engineers will

certainly not be familiar with timmy's strength of materials.
electrical engineers are not required to study structures at length.


That may be true, Jason, but if you cast your mind back I think you
will discover that the reason pipes are preferred to rods was

in the first ten minutes of whatever time was given to structures.
Poopie Stevenson above admits that he is ignorant of an engineering
fact known by every hotrodder in the world. And, if he doesn't know

hotrodders to straighten him out, he claims to have associated with
rock groups, so how come he lacks the curiosity in forty years to ask
the roadies and riggers why they use tubes rather than rods for
erecting stands? I mean, this idiot Poopie Stevenson has the

cheek to lecture people who actually build their own gear on

but he has no common curiosity, and no common sense either, just a
little bit of rote learning that he spouts as rules of thumb as if

frightened that thought will tarnish him.

timmy's strength of materials.

Timoshenko was an educated Ukrainian of Victorian times. He would not
have spoken with the strangled peasant accent later popularized by
Kremlin-dwelling Ukrainian scum like Kruschev. So the likelihood is
that he would have pronounced his name tea-moe-shank-ko, not
tim-mo-shenko. So I prefer Timo to Timmy, though I surely admire your
familiarity with the great man.

Andre Jute
Impedance is futile, you will be simulated into the triode of the

-- Robert Casey

Gerhard wrote:
And this has to do with audio electronics, what?

We're wondering ourselves here on (RAT) what Poopie
Stevenson and Slapdash Krueger's ignorance has to do with the sort of
electronics we do. These two clowns, despite being told repeatedly that
they are not welcome, hang around deliberately draining the glee from
our tube audio hobby.

What happened is that a distinguished RAT discussed someone else's
theory of thin cables. I pointed out, above, that *mechanically" a tube
is much more economical than a rod of material, and that a thin film is
just an opened out tube.

Predictably, these two undereducated, unread (actually illiterate)
scumballs, Graham "Poopie" Stevenson and Arny "Slapdash" Krueger, then
stormed around displaying their ignorance like beggars proudly showing
off their amputations by leprosy.

So, Gerhard, now you know as much as we do about why these two idiots
have boosted a quiet little discussion between likeminded
niche-hobbyists into an audio-wide bovver. I suppose it is just what
their sort of bullies do when they meet people who don't conform to
their own lowest common denominator of brutish ignorance.

Slapdash Krueger, incidentally, also told several lies, and displayed
an amazing contempt for the laws of physics, then ran when confronted
with his lies and deceits. That is in another thread also widely

HTH. Anytime you want the behaviour of netscum explained, just ask; I'm
the fellow who saw off the Magnequest Scum and Pinkerton and a few
lesser bores; eventually I shall take care of Slapdash and Poopie too.

Andre Jute
Visit Jute on Amps at

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