Thread: Salute!
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JackA JackA is offline
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Default Salute!

If you like nice sound quality, you're on my side. Sadly, even though I once though everyone craved stereo renditions, like HQ sound, not many do. I estimate maybe 15% of the world demands a higher quality sound. I look for people with evidence, not guess work. Sadly, a bunch of people who would be of value to me are now deceased. So, I have to trust one thing God gave me, my ears.

(Wings) Band On The Run
Without screwing with amplitude or anything, the dynamics of the (orchestral?) transition piece blew my mind...

(Billy Joel) Piano Man
A friend at work rambled off Billy Joel lyrics like he wrote them (I'm lucky if I comprehend 20%!). That impressed me!! So, I let him hear this different stereo mix, to see if he could detect a difference. He just said Billy's vocals sounded different. So, it tells me people enjoy music for a variety of reasons...

Anyway, I feel I'm just going to start a lot of arguments here, so I'll leave. But if you're into mixing and sort, to "bounce" anything off me, just look up Uncommon Top 40, you'll find me.


p.s. Interesting to hear how Van Halen's drum tracks sound in one or more hit songs. So close coupled (or direct coupling) to the drums, you can't even hear the cymbals!