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geoff geoff is offline
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Default Best digital music recording program

On 7/12/2014 8:57 a.m., Orlando Enrique Fiol wrote:
In article ,
If you are a composer it's hard to beat Studio One for work flow,
ease of use and a decent compliment of instruments.
IMHO it's probably the least complex of all the DAW software and
while it doesn't have the extreme granularity and superb MIDI control
that say Cubase has, it does have more than enough features for most.
I use the Windows version (Studio One Professional) so can't comment
on the Mac version but it's been ultra stable for me.

I'm a totally blind composer/arranger who's been out of the DAW scene for the
past 14 years, ever since Cakewalk and Sonar went through horribly inaccessible
periods. I've looked into Reaper and have spoken with blind folks using Pro
Tools on Macs with Voiceover. My main concern is the accessibility of virtual
instruments (softsynths) and MIDI event editing. Does Studio 1 have any kind of
staff notational component?

Most of these 'sounds' are EXTERNAL to the core DAW itself, and are
third-party plug-ins which can be added to, replace, or deleted.
