Thread: SET amplifier Q
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Phil Allison[_3_] Phil Allison[_3_] is offline
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Default SET amplifier Q

"John L Stewart"

Phil has shown us that the harmonic content of the amp he has for repair
varies quite a bit as the power level is changed.

** Duh !! The percentage goes up with output level.

You cannot stop paraphrasing a false characterising - can you ?

I would not depend on
curvature correction as a cure for amp distortion.

** Pompous bull**** and a classic " straw man " fallacy.

The THD may go down
but what about the higher order harmonics & IM?

** Converting a lot of 2H into a small amount of 3H can only be good.

It has been shown by many tests that these are the objectionable
components in the reproduced

** Blah, blah, blah....

Another ****wit "straw man" fallacy.

10% 2H distortion ( as seen with many SET amps) represents a HUGE amount
of IM with a complex wave - maybe as much as 50%.

Reduces music to purest mud.

..... Phil