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Edmund[_2_] Edmund[_2_] is offline
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Default headphones

On Thu, 20 Oct 2011 22:09:21 +0000, Arny Krueger wrote:

"Edmund" wrote in message
On Wed, 19 Oct 2011 16:23:43 +0000, RichD wrote:

Seems pricey to me.
Is it necessary to spend this much, for good headphones?

I didn't see even one expensive one, if you want "high end" yes you
need to spend a lot more and a special amplifier too. If you are happy
with a $200 model and a normal amp that is up to you.

IME, a person who can't be reasonably happy with one of the really good
$100-200 headphones or earphones is paying too much attention to price
tags, and not paying enough attention to the sound.

Reasonable happy, sure.
The reason why I have my opinion is something that started with a friend of mine.
He owns a 500 Euro headphone and was "reasonable happy" with it but somehow he
had a "feeling" it should perform even better.
After a while he listened to his own headphone but trough an special build headphone-amp
and the difference is nothing less than amazing, he was absolutely flabbergasted.
He brought his own CD's and SACD's and could hardly believe his ears, long story
short, he bought the 1500 euro headphone amp and is very happy with it.
I listened to this set and the even more expensive sennheiser ( with the poor specs :-) )
and never heard anything better.
