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Patrick Turner Patrick Turner is offline
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Posts: 3,964
Default Fracking is hated in Oz.

Maybe 50,000 readers of believe democracy is an evil
repugnant device by which weak folks get to survive along with the
strong who seem to be addicted to war, lies, and never sharing
anything with anyone and who have a general policy of **** YOU TOO.
All these selfish ppl have no sense of humour, think the C word is
"compassion" and that all weak ppl should die, unless its their dad,
or their brother.

But here in Oz there is a new wave of gas wells with chemical
pollution in water supplied despite government regs and industry
assurances. Farmers and land holders have found alliances with the
Greens to pressurize Govt to do something to save farms water land etc
during this invasion. The Invaders only had to put in a few gas wells
and guess what? very abnormal chemicals begin appearing in water.
Despite all that Flipper says about being well reasoned and doing
research, on the ground and out there with ppl affected by gas wells,
life has become HELL. Flipper just does not wanna believe his country
can act lie an ARSOLE. but it does.

Flipper "kicks ass" with all his quotes and hiding behind the
Establishment which manages to let **** HAPPEN big time, eg, the BP
oil spill in the Gulf. There was an oil wellblow out here off West
Aust a coule of years before, industry and governments just cannot be
trusted, so when Fliiper goes to such trouble to change my mind he
merely cements my hate for Governments and agencies and big ****in
business who try to appear to be doing something while poisoned air,
water, and land all continue and increase.

It seems to me 50,000 ppl have no clue why humans were put here on
Earth. I do not believe any single one of them has explained it. Maybe
they are Entirely Lost. The trouble with Lost People is that they are
likely to be irrational and agressive, and will put war before peace
in all arguments.tThe vocal types here might believe the world began
7,000 years ago, after God said he wanted to have blokes and shielas
spread acoss Earth, consuming and killing everything in their way.
Anyway, blokes&shielas are doing just that. And soon they'll be a
Rapture, and the good go up, and bad go down, and so on, depending on
which preacher you listen to..
With such crazy reasoning, its no wonder the USA is in so much trouble
with so many problems. But don't get me wrong, much of the best of
anything has come from the USA. But one of the worst tendencies is
that there are those who fail to see the negatives when they look in
the mirror.

A couple of cosmically very short centuries ago someone invented a
steam engine, and then it wasn't long before factory workers were
being killed by machines that blew up or mangled them. The road toll
got worse when travel speeds increased, and so it came to be that
technology has its down sides. Many thousands shoot each other dead or
die in road traumas. All avoidable, if there was a will, and people
were educated to believe that materialism and affluence is a flawed
state, and that what really matters is medical care and health, and

In another 10 cosmically short centuries, there's a huge chance of
very large amounts of **** to Happen, and I'm glad I won't be here to
witness it. I think there will be profound discoveries and
applications of technology in future. Flippers's grandchildren may be
able to purchase Gene Therapy to change themslves to say, eat garbage,
absorb CO2, and breathe out O2, while also having all trace of natural
organic brains removed so it may be replaced with brains 10,000 times
more able to think. I predict ever more negative consequences will
beset each positive step the grand kiddies make, so + and - are set to
continue battles as they always have, probably all within a world
without much nature at all. I'm happy I didn't have any kids because
what awaits humanity and hu-womanity is that they become un-human and
not bound by random evolution, but by artificial evolution and
artificial intelligence. To survive long term we will have to become
un-human. So what we think matters now does not matter. But the pain
of the consequences of short term policies do matter.

Patrick Turner.