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Patrick Turner Patrick Turner is offline
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Default Acoustical/QUAD's Bean Counters?

On Jun 11, 2:12*am, flipper wrote:
On Fri, 10 Jun 2011 08:26:38 -0700 (PDT), Patrick Turner

Flipper replied to my long post after an enjoyable read with......

""That's some of the funniest gibberish you've posted to date and
amazing how much you can write without getting anything right. ""

Now how would you answer John's questions?

There is nothing for me to 'answer' because I'm not the one running
around calling it a P.O.S., nor have I claimed I could do 'better'
under the circumstances, nor am I afflicted with the delusion that
jackbooted 'bean counters' dictated his design.

Peter Walker probably didn't need a bean counter to tell him what he
already could work out for himself, ie, make something acceptable to
the British Public of the 1950s. You are blind if you think Quad-II
was perfect, or as good as possible. It wasn't, and had it been
perfect it would have cost more to make and to buy in the shops.

I'm not surprised you can't think of a better way to build an amp even
if limited to 1950s level of inventions. Maybe you fear sticking your
neck out. There are a few here who might chop your head off at the
drop of a hat.

If I'd worked at the McIntosh works in 1950 I might have caused a bit
of a stir as well.......

Patrick Turner.