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Scott Dorsey Scott Dorsey is offline
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Default Now That 5/21 Passed without incident . . .

ChrisCoaster wrote:
I was just being sarcastic about the steel plate. LOL! Of course I
would use wood, it's just that I've heard the sound of too many
bookshelf speakers and gotten fatigued by the presence of low-mid
"tub"(150 - 300Hz). I want to avoid that.

That's usually not a cabinet resonance, though. That's most often built
into the alignment.

You need to stop listening to crappy speakers.

Other than the cabinet, how DO mfgs. achieve a relatively flat
response - no more than +-3dB from 50~20,000Hz/+-5dB 20~20k?

They don't. I have never seen any speaker whose narrowband response
is that flat, and I have seen some multi-hundred-thousand dollar monitor

Is there some calibration done to the drivers themselves? To the
crossovers? The materials of the drivers themselves, Or, is it the
way they wind the copper coils?

And what combination of above? I've been told repeatedly that I "will
not like" the sound of flat speakers, but my rebuttal time and time
again is, my ears and the room are at fault for that!

Well, since they don't exist it's moot.

"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."