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Robert Peirce Robert Peirce is offline
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Posts: 140
Default LP vs CD - Again. Another Perspective

In article ,
Andrew Haley wrote:

Velvia!" Digital, on the other hand, is linear, or can be once you
find all the curves and filters in the workflow and turn them off.
Once you've done that it's regular, stable, and repeatable, and

I don't know what digital sensors you are using but the ones I have seen
are no more accurate than film when it comes to being able to match
color, and they have a much smaller dynamic range. I suspect highly
specialized equipment might improve on this but I don't know that. The
advantage digital has over film is it is easily manipulated on a

The problem with digital vs. film is the same as CD vs. LP. In order to
match the smoothness of analog, you need a very high sample rate. In
theory, 44.1/16 is enough for audio, but the trend now seems to be to
96/24 or higher. Frankly, with my old ears, 44.1 is enough if done

I'm not sure if anybody has concluded on large format photography. 80
Mp seems to be getting pretty close for 645. I have a 6 Mp DX camera
that satisfies me in comparison to 35 mm negative film, but slide film
seems to need more. I suspect the current 20 Mp range cameras are
enough, although I don't know about sharpness issues. People might
argue over color but not over the ability to resolve detail. School is
still out on that in the larger formats.