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---MIKE--- ---MIKE--- is offline
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Default Panoramic spectrum analysis

Sonnava wrote:

The days of sitting down in front of your
stereo system and tuning in a live
symphony (or even a jazz or rock
concert) are over. And while a few
college and educational stations might
still do live concerts, they are relegated
to the larger cities and are very few and
very far between. Its a shame, but that's
the reality.

Luckily this is not totally true. I live in the "sticks" and can tune
in to Vermont Public Radio's digital feed. They play classical music 24
hours a day and do the live broadcasts of the Metropolitan Opera on
Saturdays. Each weekday evening they present "live" (taped) concerts
from around the world. This includes the Concertgebouw, Chicago
Symphony, New York Phil, Cleveland Orchestra and others. Each
afternoon, "Performance Today" presents concerts from around the world.
Sound quality is excellent but somewhat compressed.

In the White Mountains of New Hampshire
(44° 15' N - Elevation 1580')