Thread: Tube DACs??
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John Byrns John Byrns is offline
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Default Tube DACs??

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Eeyore wrote:

John Byrns wrote:

Patrick Turner wrote:

If you did all the functions of a D to A converters using tubes,
methinks you'd have no room to keep a wife at your house and you'd be
horrified by the power bills. The Green Police would call to arrest you
for causing so much greenhouse gas. Rather a lot of tubes are needed.
However, their purpose would be to perform un-digitalling tasks which
can be done better with zillions of transistors in a chip.
But the tubes are very nice things to use as the fist device to handle
and filter the audio coming from the DA chip.

Patrick, methinks that you are confusing "D to A converters" with DSPs. A
D to A converter wouldn't be anywhere near as complex as you imply, the
is how to achieve the desired 16 bit accuracy. I believe D to A converters
built from tubes, of less than 16 bit accuracy, actually existed back in
1950s, although I am not going to look for any links right now.

And you'd be back to analogue anti-aliasing and anti-imaging filters too.

Show me a solid state DAC that doesn't require "analogue anti-aliasing and
anti-imaging filters too"?


John Byrns

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