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Ken Maltby Ken Maltby is offline
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Default NICAM channels bundled together after converting DVD video

"Ken Maltby" wrote in message

"come_mon_come_mon!" wrote in message
On 11$B7n(B27$BF|(B, $B28a(B9$B;~(B34$BJ,(B, "Ken Maltby"
"come_mon_come_mon!" wrote in message

Why did you make a "DVD" with NICAM audio? How did you
do so, what equipment and software? (Make & Model/version)

I did this with GIEC GK-9300 DVD HDD recorder (a China brand recorder)

The DVD Specifications that I am familuar with, make no
mention of NICAM audio. The use of two mono audio streams
within one "stereo" audio stream, has been implemented in DVD
authoring from the begining.

What do you get if you demux these "DVD"s ? What audio file?

What software can demux DVD ?

Most any MPEG editing software, actually.
I like myself. Their new
TVSuite version includes the means to select from the
streams in a DVD title.

If they contain Stereo audio streams, can you play each channel
separately? VLC lets you select the sepparate audio channels, of
a stereo audio stream, to playback.


VLC did allow me to select stereo / reverse stereo / left / right
channels. But no matter which one I choosed, I got both audio channels
played at the same time.

On the features listing for your recorder there is mention
of dealing with the NICAM audio mode. It appears that you
want it to be set to 2 mono channels to make the kind of
DVDs you appear to want. NICAM has eight modes but
only four are in use, one of them is with 2 mono channels.
It sounds like you have the recorder treating your 2 mono
channels source as stereo and recording it as mono mixing
both channels. (As if someone told it to make 2 channel
mono audio instead of 2 mono channels.)


P.S. If you have access to a copy of the "TMPGEnc DVD
Author" 1.5 or 1.6 it has settings to author DVDs with
seprate mono channels.