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Trevor Wilson[_2_] Trevor Wilson[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 724
Default Thorens TD 126 MK II electonic

"ansermetniac" wrote in message
The speed control indicator no longer lights.

Is there anything easily replaceable?

Does the mirror I found when I opened the base have anything to do
with it?

To use a disc on the spindle, do I need a fluorescent light or is any
60HZ electric light okay

I can't find my General Radio Strobotach:-)

**I've done a few of these with LEDs. The original neon was a big
(expensive) sucker. MUCH larger than NE-2 and other types. If you can find a
friend with some electronic nouse, ask them to wire up some nice, bright
LEDs (blue ones look way cool) in place of the neon. The result will be a
long lasting, bright and clear speed indicator. Naturally, you need to drive
the LED with mains frequency. This is not difficult stuff.

Trevor Wilson