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Default Background music on tv show

On 2008-10-19, Chronic Philharmonic wrote:

"Richard Crowley" wrote in message
. ..
"Chronic Philharmonic" wrote...
I don't see why they would want to make the product unusable in this way.
If I were their boss, they wouldn't have jobs long if that was their

"Unusable" to us here in the real world doesn't translate the same to

Okay, I'm still having problems with the basic concept here. If they are
un-artistic tin-ears, producing unwatchable/unlistenable garbage, then who
buys it?

The consumer isn't doing the "buying" as it is more like viewing on
tv; haven't you seen the interesting documentaries on national geographic
tc, discovery channel, science channel & the history channels?

Consider that the "directors/producers" also want to get more money for
the advert by overlaying the video with ads & thereby blocking portions
the show & "degrading the 'artistic' intent" of the original product;
this is done by blocking the viewing of a point of interest as stated by
the narrator or actor.

If they are idiots, yes.


Who benefits from this?

Their egos. Or haen't you worked with many of them?

I haven't worked with any of them. But it would still seem that plaudits for
a quality product -- artistically pleasing -- would stroke their egos more
than making everyone's life miserable, just so they can get their way.
Especially when "their way" results in unwatchable/unlistenable garbage.
Certainly they'd be aware of the effect -- again, who would hire these

It is quite probable that the "music" will become louder than voice in
situations as digital tv will allow more manipulations.....

If they are idiots, yes. Who benefits from this?

Objection, you honor. Asked and answered.

Still puzzled.

If someone deliberately degrades the product, essentially making parts of
it unusable, what is the point? It's a good way to drive away customers,
and thus, revenue.

"Degrades" doesn't mean the same thing to them.

What do they value, then? "Their ego" doesn't answer the question. They must
have some esthetic value in mind that, when questioned, injures their ego.

Don't think of it as "ego" but a selling point to the sponsors that the
sponsors (or potential sponsors/clients) will have lots of ads for
their money.

Not sure if the hgtv started it with their animated ad for hgtv shows to
deliberately distract the viewer from the show, but other shows are doing
the same now, including the espn. I've even seen where the on-screen ad
covered up what the voice said about following the ball into the hole on
the golf channel....what ball?????

Not all the ads are transparent & looks to me they are getting bigger. The
only show that I haven't seen with the flagrant ads are the Bloomberg &
Fox business news; perhaps the ad would cover up the ticker tape & stock