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John Connors John Connors is offline
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Default Is it live or is it Memorex? - Recorded Realism

On Mon, 29 Sep 2008 09:54:59 -0400, Ethan Winer wrote:

One goal of music recording is to capture a true sound, so when played back
it sounds like the musicians are right there in the room with you. The
experiment shown in my newest video proves it's not an easy task! We weren't
entirely successful, but did manage to get fairly close with some of the
instruments. Look for Recorded Realism near the bottom of the RealTraps
Videos page:

Also available for download in higher resolution on Vimeo:



General commentary...

Overall, I thought the Mackie sounded "thin" compared to the live.

Even with the wood sticks, you can hear a mid tone that is missing from the
Mackie up until you hit them together hard at the end at which point that
mid tone comes out.

I thought the acoustic guitar was totally different sounding through the
The electric guitar was reasonable.
The cello sounded very good up until the point where you were hitting
multiple strings and then there was some oddness going on.
Maybe the speaker was overloading?

I happen to like the Mackie monitors BTW.
I was using Event ASP8 for this though and played a low levels.

Interesting experiment!