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Dersu Uzala Dersu Uzala is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 46
Default Who should be first to die off in the "energy crisis"?

Hail, good Jute-fellow! And well met.

I see you're up to your usual sensible shenanigans. I'm not sure
why you'd want to argue with another in the endless series of commie
****heads who seem to pollute the online world, but...communism
it is, and not even presented in a shiny new wrapper (as by Obama
et al) at that. And I can't help but notice the myopic focus of those
who insist on considering the Earth as a closed system...which it
may indeed be on the micro level; however, on the macro level (which
this particular type of clod seems to be completely incapable of
perceiving) there are quadrillions of tonnes of resources floating
around waiting for some enterprising businessmen to snap them up,
and that's just in this solar system alone. Metals, organics, gases,
water, unlimited solar power...and most of it eminently accessible
using technologies which have existed since the 1950s. And anyone
who thinks that's balderdash should consider the reaction of someone
from, say, 1910, confronted with the prospect of obtaining petroleum
from a hole drilled a mile beneath the surface of the ocean: "Absolutely
impossible - never happen." Sure...only now, it's routine - and has been
for quite awhile.

At any rate, wherever you find someone advocating massive
control of any natural resource, you can bet your sweet arse
you've encountered a commie. And that commie will almost
certainly be painted green, for within the green movement is
where most of them currently reside...although the Bear is
grumbling of late. Perhaps it was just hibernating, eh? ;-)

Be well.

Lord Valve
alias Willie the Gimp

I enjoyed reading Heinlein, Niven, Pohl, Brin, etc, when I was eleven.
Oh no! Commies hiding out at the recycling center! Save us!
If you want a real commie, look no further than Treasury Secretary Henry
Paulson, his recent action is third in magnitude after Lenin's 1917 Russia,
and Mao's glorious people's revolution.
My bike has Shimano 600 gearset from the eighties, and a Brooks copper rivet
leather saddle from 1975, so liking tubes for audio is unexpected.

Don't let ideology blind you to reality.