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Shhhh! I'm Listening to Reason! Shhhh! I'm Listening to Reason! is offline
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Default Who needs Europe, anyway?

On Sep 10, 3:04*pm, Eeyore
"Shhhh! I'm Listening to Reason!" wrote:

By significant margins, Europeans have high hopes for a potential
Obama administration, according to a Transatlantic Trends poll of 12
European countries.

Forty-seven percent of Europeans believe an Obama victory in November
would lead to a better relationship between the United States and
Europe, versus just 5 percent who think Obama would weaken the trans-
Atlantic relationship.

By comparison, only 11 percent think Sen. John McCain would strengthen
European-American relations if he were elected president.

We've proven that we don't need them. USA! USA!

LoL. I remember the headlines from the Guardian in the UK after bushie
won in 2004. There was a large blank white section and in about 14-
point type it just said "oh god".

Here, to refresh our memories:

How many wars did he start ? Perhaps you'd like to remind me.

Perhaps the tongue-in-cheek sarcasm was over your head.

Anyway, I think the answer is one more than he should have.