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hank alrich hank alrich is offline
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Default Smell the Bull****: Fender Platinum Acoustasonic Guitar Cable

I think that when marketing departments have more balls (small,
though...) than brains we get this kind of crap:

----- BEGIN QUOTE -----

Acoustasonic: The Fender Platinum Acoustasonic Guitar Cable uses 4-Way
Differential Cable Architecture to present the best possible balance
between all frequency ranges, and to also preserve all the tone and
nuance that acoustic-electric guitars are capable of. Optimally selected
stranded conductors are used to preserve sustain and the edge and
dynamics that are so important in guitar sound, while two different
gauge solid conductors augment the midrange & bass to provide a much
fuller sound. Specially designed hollow treble conductors give these
cables a better, more extended high frequency presentation, with no
trace of harshness. These cables have a unique voice that has not been
heard before, and use a proprietary technology that is patented. They
are specifically designed for acoustic-electric guitar or electric
guitar when a more clean sound is desired.

----- END QUOTE -----

Hey, forget the Large Hadron Collider. We have brand new physics right
over in Fenner's cable labs.

"Honey, are you sure some of your highs aren't getting trapped in those
little hollow conductors??"

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