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tubegarden tubegarden is offline
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Posts: 343
Default Who should be first to die off in the "energy crisis"?

Hi RATs!

I live in the USA. We use more energy sitting in traffic jams in an
hour than all the audio consumers, great and small, will use in the
entire history of the Universe, past, if there ever was one, and
future, if there ever is one ...

Our perception that energy is something real and measureble is as
stupid as Eyesore's mad claims that he knows, absolutely, all spirally
wound plastic capacitors of a given measured value sound exactly the
same in every circuit that has been, or ever will be, constructed.

Our tiny planet only receives a miniscule proportion of the sunshine
of the Sun, and even less from all the other stars which have ever
shown brilliance to a rather unimpressed void.

It is very fashionable to pretend there is not enough oil, nor Lowther
drivers, nor WE 300A tubes. Less hip is to suggest there are too many

We sort of over simplify things. Not one of us will survive long
enough, nor accomplish enough. And then, when we are dead, none of
Them will, either.

The Universe is expanding ... even as a child, Woody Allen knew that
meant each of us will be less important in the future than even the
very greatest people in the past are, in the present. Nobody matters,
much, for long. No matter what she does for your mood ...

What we babble on and on about is what ever we can babble on and on

What that has to do with anything but babbling is not a place any of
us should go.

Not for reasons we understand.

Simply because what we understand is never going to approach critical

So, we can only be a critical ass *,^D

Happy Ears!