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D Peter Maus D Peter Maus is offline
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Posts: 13
Default Who keeps crooks out of Kutztown?

Andre Jute wrote:
Worthless Peter Wieck in response to a post by Gray Glasser listing
Worthless Wiecky's stalking, his cyberbullying, and his attempts at
blackmail, sent an abusive reply full of smoke and mirrors.

{stipulated, snipped for good taste}

You know, Andre, for someone with the notable acclaim you seem to
rest on, for the worldwide respect you claim to command, your rather
heated pursuit of Mr Wieck in these fora should be beneath you.

He is an individual with a hobbycraft interest, who posts you USENet
for his activities. You, on the other hand, would appear, by your
website, to play at a much higher level. With considerable worldwide
recognition and support.

By your pursuit of Mr Wieck, you have given him far more recognition
and credibility than he would have otherwise have assumed, but more
importantly, you raise questions about your own stature and intent.

After all, to quote the prophet Lujack: Eagles don't hunt flies.