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Andre Jute Andre Jute is offline
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Default Who keeps crooks out of Kutztown?

On Sep 19, 9:42 am, George M. Middius cmndr _ george @ comcast .
net wrote:
Andre Jute said:

Gray Glasser

Peter Wieck is scum. I've asked him politely, many times, not to
address me at all, and certainly not familiarly. But Worthless
Wiecky's foul manners no longer surprise us.

Worthless is undoubtedly a deserving beast-in-arms for the filthful
Arnii Krooborg. On the audio newsgroups, no insult is worse than
"Kroopologist", and Worthless Wiecky is a putrid Kroopologist.

Putrid is right.

Would you care to state unequivocally that when you and "Gray Glasser"
reply to each "other's" posts, you're not talking to yourself?

You must seek Gray's answer from Gray; I certainly always read his
posts because you can trust him to have informed himself fully and to
have reached a balanced judgement.

As for myself, I am happy to state unequivocally that whenever I reply
to Gray's posts, or yours, George, or anyone else's, I am most
certainly talking to myself, otherwise there would be no post.
D'y'see, I reserve my hands on the keyboard for important work like,
well, my work, my ears for the soundtrack of the movie I'm watching or
the CD I'm playing, and I dictate posts the newsgroups into a
dictation programme which transcribes them into text that I can copy
and paste into my mailer. It's called multi-tasking and it is another
reason for the talentless Wieck to resent me.


Andre Jute
Prontoprecipitevolismovolmente -- Italian for "quickly"


On Sep 19, 6:14 am, wrote:
Peter Wieck wrote:
So nobody is responsibilie for keeping out bad apples. It is up to
concerned individuals like you to warn against undesirables like Peter


Gray Glasser

Well, now. And Andre has never been "caught in a lie"... how about the
lie that Gray Glasser is a separate entity rather than merely yet
another schizoid manifestation of a diseased mind?

If you believe it, you should prove it, Worthless. You've tried before
and failed.

Andre, I use your "first" name (Christian, manifestly, it is not)

No gentleman would force familiarity on anyone who considers him scum.
The Boss has several times publiclty described you as scum, Worthless,
so why do you persist in your foul manners?

Peter Wieck is scum. I've asked him politely, many times, not to
address me at all, and certainly not familiarly. But Worthless
Wiecky's foul manners no longer surprise us.

as a
simple indication - to you - that you are a childish git whining over
being challenged

The notion that a semiliterate janitor like you can challenge The Boss
is laughable. In any event, all you've done for a couple of years is
attempted character assassination which Mr Jute contemptuously

Hundreds of message of denigration. I haven't read them all, though
I'm having an analysis made. But a few I read recently were
McCarthyite smears. When I challenged the little scumball Wieck to
prove his claims, he weaseled, failed, and became offensive to those
who pointed out that he was the liar, not I.

in your own sandbox.

You came to RAT with the single intention of stalking The Boss, for
the sole and entirely discreditable reason that, in your own words, it
amuses you. You started abusing Mr Jute, without any provocation
whatsoever, even as he welcomed you to RAT.

I was amazed to have the glad hand I extended to the newbie spat in by
Worthless Peter Wieck.

when so-challenged choose to crap all over every other sandbox in

You defecated on the carpet in the house where The Boss practices his
hobby. So what's your beef when The Boss produces one of his internet
puppet shows with you as the star exhibit? Why should there be one
rule for scum like you and another for Mr Jute?

The hypocrisy of Worthless Wiecky's supporters is breathtaking.
They're mostly garage vermin. They''ll crunch satisfactorily
underfoot; a few smart ones will change sides before they go down with
Worthless Wiecky.

So, you do not deserve even the respect one would use
addressing a child. To others I generally refer to you as Mr. Jute, so
they better understand the actual lack of respect.

If you believe The Boss cares what you think, you're delusional as
well as very, very stupid.

This worthless little man Wieck really is a mule's arse. Hey,
Worthless, rap the side of your head with your knuckles, let's find
out if it's empty. Boing, boing.

I heard him say once, in a lecture on
morality, something like, "Respect is only of value between free
peers. When it is offered or withheld as a form of blackmail, it is
worthless. The blackmailer does not have, cannot get, and will never
be given any respect."

That's probably better said than I put it back then.

You're clearly a blackmailer, Worthless.

Of course he is. He abused me constantly on some kind of a plan known
only to him, then several times offered to cease abusing me if I would
make some concession to him. That is by definition blackmail.

You abused Mr Jute without provocation for years, then offered to
cease if he would "stop prosetylizing". That is clearly an attempt by
blackmail to control what he says and how. I imagine The Boss regards
that, besides blackmail, as an assault on free speech.

Ah, I see you were following it. I didn't actually, myself, but one of
the students categorizing Worthless Wiecky's posts pointed out the
repeated attempts by Worthless to blackmail me as a pattern. And of
course I see Wieck's blackmail as an assault on freedom of speech, our
main liberty.

Now, it was you that once wrote "want another go at it?" The short
answer is not really.

The Boss is a fair man. If you want to run, he'll let you run. He let
you run before, when he crisply and quickly made a public fool of you
by turning you into a golem of decayed pig offal stuffed into a cow's
bladder, and kicked you around like a football. He generously did not
pursue you after you ran. You stupidly returned to abuse him further.

Not football, Gray, rugby. How many times do I have to tell you that
people who speak real English play "football" with a *round* ball. The
game played with an eliptical ball with pointed ends is rugby.

But you do tend to fulminate and blather at
great and extreme length when prodded... clearly you haven't the
character to do anything but that.

You should find out who Andre Jute is, Worthless, and before much
longer, for the sake of your family. It is only you who think you're
messing with some limp intellectual with glasses.

Caveat emptor. If Worthless was half as energetic a stalker as he is a
blackmailer and character assassin, he would know without needing to
be told. But, all the same, for the appearance of giving him a fair
chance, I'll make him the same offer I made the Magnequest Scum and
others: **** out of my face, Wiecky, and tomorrow I won't remember
your name.

Get a life, or your meds will fail. At this point I expect your stress
level to be well in the red-zone...

We note your lipsmacking relish over the prospect of doing someone
else harm. It is quite clear that you wish Mr Jute dead because he is
so patently superior to you in every respect.

After Kutztown I shall publish a little essay on fascism and he
generations. But, for now, it is probably enough to note that it is
the fear my talents inspire in the Worthless-Wiecky mentalities,
rather than only or mainly his envy, which causes fascists to wish
people dead, and to kill them.

given that you are over 60,
overweight and undertall,

The stalker always thinks he knows more about his victim than the
victim does.

Holy ****! "Undertall"? The poor little man is fraying at the edges

Lord, send us, just once, a slimeball with decent English rather than
these crass clowns like Worthless Wiecky. Is that too much to ask?

that is not a good combination for the long

Once more you wish The Boss dead. For what? For pointing out, and
proving, that you're a stalker, a thief and a liar? For being
charismatic and talented when you're dull and, well, dull? You're over
the top, Worthless.

My poker school is made up of psych pros. They are all betting on what
I can make Worthless say and do, and for how long; they are all of the
opinion that he is an obsessive ("a hard-on for Andre that won't go
away") who will do himself harm sooner or later. None of them believes
Wieck has the sense to choose softer ankles than mine to shatter
himself against. I've given up finding medical excuses for the enemies
of society: one transgression against free speech, and I deal with
them. Worthless Wiecky had several chances to commit further crimes
because I wasn't paying attention. That's an oversight I'm correcting
right now.

Peter Wieck
Wyncote, PA

With sincere contempt for a reckless fool,

Gray Glasser

That's an outstanding analysis for a part-timer, Gray.

Andre Jute
Sauvitor in modo, fortiter in res