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Jerry Avins Jerry Avins is offline
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Posts: 137
Default Video-equivalent of "pitch-shifting."

robert bristow-johnson wrote:
On Aug 23, 3:37 am, "Ron N." wrote:
Some pitch-shifters or time-stretchers also duplicate and
blend preceding and following periods of waveforms or
spectral frame contents.

when i first saw the thread title, that's what i first thought about.
actually, not pitch-shifting but more time-scaling. it seems to me
natural that if they were speeding up or slowing down the motion in
the video (which means only for the termporal dimension, not either
"x" or "y"), that would naturally correspond to the same speeding up
or slowing down of tempo (without pitch change) of the audio. if you
twist the knob that makes the actress talk faster (Ms. Motormouth), it
shouldn't be upshifting her pitch to sound like Wendy or Bebe in South

But he wants her to talk faster, say the same number of words, and
finish in the same time! What's worse, I think he's serious.

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