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Stuart Stuart is offline
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Posts: 14
Default Video-equivalent of "pitch-shifting."

"BobG" wrote in message
If you play the tape or record faster, the pitch shifts up. If colors
are analogous to pitch, speeding up would be a shift to the blue,
slowing down would be a red shift.

Sound is physical - Light is electromagnetic radiation

That would make a great Sci-Fi effect to depict 'beings' in a different
temporal dimension co-existing with us but what you describe is the effect
of motion linking the audio analogy to video which is not valid. Sound is an
air-pressure wave whose speed changes depending on the medium whereas light
is part of the electromagnetic spectrum whose speed is fixed to the speed of
light and except for some very high-end academic experiments never changes.
Never-the-less it's a good special effects used in a modified way in the BBC
production Ultra Violet.