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Posted to,aus.hi-fi
Doug Flynn Doug  Flynn is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 10
Default Distortion in amplifiers.

"Patrick Turner" wrote in message

So we really only know that THD and IMD exist in devices, and that
it all rises with output levels and load values.

But while looking around Google under 'pentode distortion measurements'
I came across a thesis drafted up by one Mr Daniel H Cheever, posted at

Here he talks about the increase in harmonic trash within a signal
caused by NFB.You all thought NFB reduced the trash, but he has other
ideas supported
by his calculations and observations fairly well

But his conclusions must be considered in the context of his ideas
presented about the Total Aural Disconsonance figure of merit, or TAD.

So what do people think about My Cheever's thoughts?

Patrick Turner.

Here's what I think:

Pentodes = evil
Global negative feedback = the spawn of Satan
Digitial = the work of the Devil

Cheers. Doug ;-)