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Ed Seedhouse Ed Seedhouse is offline
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Posts: 19
Default Cable Upgrade Suggestions

On 4 Mar 2007 17:54:43 GMT, wrote:

On Mar 4, 7:39?am, Ed Seedhouse wrote:
On 3 Mar 2007 19:22:51 GMT, "bob" wrote:

Anywhere you go it is always easy indeed to find lots of people who will
tell you that what you want to believe is the truth. eople who will
tell you the actual truth are much rarer, much more valuable, and, of
course, pretty generally ignored.

Just one person's opinion.

i am always leary of anyone or any group of people who believe they
have a monopoly on "the truth." Just another person's opinion.

Well if I ever felt I had any monopoly on "truth", life has disabused me
in no uncertain terms, many times. In fact over the last 63 years I
have actually discovered that I am embarassingly easy to fool.

In fact I am so easy to fool that I have taken to requiring quite strong
evidence for any particular belief and to trying to ignore beliefs for
which there is no evidence.

Since I also rather think that I am no different from anyone else in
this respect, and indeed have what it to me quite convincing evidence
that this is so, I tend to be suspicious of anyone's opinion if they
cannot point to actual evidence in favour of their opinions. And I find
that those who believe in, among other things, astrology and competently
made speaker wires that differ greatly in sound, tend not to be able to
provide any actual evidence for their beliefs I am afraid I remain
rather suspicious that they are fooling themselves.