Thread: New Quads
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Arny Krueger Arny Krueger is offline
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Default New Quads

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Arny Krueger wrote:
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MiNe 109 wrote:
In article
, Mr Fox

The new Quad electrostatics are getting rave reviews.
So who is planning to buy? Anybdy actually receive a
pair already?

I'm not sure they're much different from the 'old'
Quads! but all I know is what I read in the brochure.

The structure around the drivers is much more solid and
well-built, mostly. This does translate to deeper bass.

I came close to buying a pair of the smaller ones when I
still had a pair of Quad II Classic monoblocks. But,
with a low-powered SET, I'm more interested in things
like Audio Note AN-Es or those Yamamoto Sound Crafts
with the Altec-Lansing drivers.

It's the patented, day-glo Marc Phillips' "You never
lived until you heard a Yammakwaski Nightengale power
amp driven by a Kruzenjammer power amp" schtick.

It's the patented, olive-drab Arny Krueger's
"Waaahhhh...I can't afford anything good, so I'll attack
everyone who has better taste than me!" schtick.

It's pretty ironic watching trailer trash like Marc trying to play the class