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MOSFET MOSFET is offline
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Posts: 810
Default Truce, a friendly appeal, Matt....

Matt, you are obviously knowledgable when it comes to car audio and I have
learned a lot from you. I don't want to fight with you so PLEASE hear what
I am saying, as a friend.

I do not mind being corrected when I make a fundamental mistake which leads
to bad advice. In fact, I would want ANYONE to correct me if I ever gave
bad advice to someone (and, of course, I HAVE in the past!!). We are here
to help people, first and foremost.

But what you do is different. PLEASE try to hear what I am saying. You
correct terms used incorrectly, concepts not "properly" explained. While to
you, this may SEEM like an important service. And I can certainly see
situations where someone might completely bungle an explanantion of
something and clarification might be needed. But with you it is a constant
barage of small corrections that do not fundamentally change the advice
given. You're like some grade school techer-from-hell whose RIGHT THERE to
rub your nose in the smallest missuse of a term or concept.

Perhaps in your proffesion, this is encouraged. Perhaps it is MANDATORY in
your profession (if you are designing airplane wings, I certainly don't want
ANY mistakes). But this group is for recreation. Car audio is about fun,
Matt. But this constant badgering does not make it fun for me or for other
people who you also badger.

Again, please try to see the difference between getting something
fundamentally wrong like offering bad advice and just using a term

I know you don't give a rat's ass if I block you or not, but I am
considering it and I REALLY don't want to because you are SO KNOWLEDGEABLE
and I can learn from you. I am just hoping you will see my point. This is
about fun. We are not building the hydrogen bomb here.

