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Default Usefulness of these mics for recording purpoese

Zigakly wrote:
So far I have bought:
One Shure SM-57 (mainly for snare drum)

Can be used for electric guitar cabinets as well

one AKG D-112 (for kick drum)

Can be used on bass cabinet as well, but beware the "bouncing ball" kick
sound. To counteract it, pull down the higher mids (1.5-2kHz) and bring up
the center mids (800-1000Hz). The good news is that it gets excellent
isolation, unlike the SM57.

I also intend to buy:
Two Marshall MXL 603s (mainly for drum overheads)

I've only used one MXL, but it was an excellent mic for the money. One
thing I've heard about Chinese condensers in general--since you intend
to buy and use them as a pair--is that they're difficult to match.
Listen to them both together, if possible, upon purchase.

You might want to experiment with these on vocals, as well; but purchase
or devise a pop filter for it.

