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Scott Dorsey
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Default Keepiing old dynamic mics working properly

In article N1C_f.356$QP4.171@fed1read12, wrote:
A number of my older dynamic mics have had the foam inside them basically
turn into dirt.

What do you do when this happens and the mics aren't even made anymore? Buy
a replacement for another mic that is maybe sort of close in size and try to
cut it to fit? Just get some open cell foam and have at it or what? Where
would I get open cell foam that would be appropriate for this?

You can get open-cell foam from an acoustical supplier that will be good
for the job. It's much more open than the stuff used for absorption. But
you can always cut up some windscreens if you have to.

A second somewhat related question about my Beyer 260... This mic is very
tricky to get inside, is there foam inside this mic that has probably
disintegrated like my other mics. I know the 260 is a dark sounding mic but
this one is really dark sounding.

The ribbon is bad. If there's a lot of low end no top end, it needs
a new ribbon. Be sure to ask for the original parts back.
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