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Scott Gardner
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Default Rockers Unite to Oust Bush

On Tue, 02 Dec 2003 23:50:42 GMT,

And such is life.

It's a free country, and they have the right express their
opinions - I'll ignore their opinions on this topic just like I do on
what soda to drink or what car to buy, or how to dress or talk or
anything else.

Anyone whose opinions are formed by what some musician said,
where that musician only has a public spotlight by virtue of screaming
'baby, baby, baby' louder and longer than those around him, is an
idiot to begin with.

Luckily, the population segment they influence is in itself
uninfluential, so there's minimal harm done.

Paul ( pjm @ pobox . com ) - remove spaces to email me

Very true. I would never deny them their right to say what they want.
I guess in some cases, it's more their choice of venue that bothers
me. Whenever I see some celebrity talking politics on "The Tonight
Show", I think "The next time you find yourself on "Crossfire" or
"Meet the Press", feel free to talk politics. You're sitting next to
Leno solely because you're a celebrity, so sing us a song or plug your
next movie."

Scott Gardner