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Tom Jancauskas
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in article , Arny Krueger at
wrote on 9/6/05 6:29 AM:

It might be possible that there's something wrong with his
copying procedures that is adding a lot of data errors.

Thank you for the info Arny. I am thinking is has to do with the original
disks and how they were made.

He couldn't tell me what was used to make the original transfer as well as
what they did to the file before or after the fact. I'd like to know the
path of production.

I have had experiences recently with DVD-R burning (of original video tapes)
that certain programs make a disc that is OK as a 1 off, but if you try to
copy it, it comes out with all kinds of problems. Maybe this is related to
what this guy is hearing.

Oh well...

Tom Jancauskas