Thread: About Arnie K
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"Arny Krueger" wrote in message
take a look over on where

is regarded as nothing more than a blowhard and where he's
completely humiliated himself over the last couple of


If Phildo's ego wasn't such a bleeding mess, he'd have no
need to do this.

If your ego wasn't so over-inflated that you wouldn't listen to everyone on
AAPLS telling you what a prick you are I thought some of your other friends
may be able to make you see sense.

Now, Phildo has brought the whole RAO contingent of mental
midgets into AAPLS to work it over.

No, you did Arny. Crossposting is bad.

Phildo, I regret hurting you so badly in our little debate.

Have you ever thought about seeing a shrink regarding your delusions?

Everyone's laughing at you Arny.
