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J. P. Morris a écrit :
Mike Rivers wrote:

Do you think Ardour could be a serious choice for a personal but
"serious" home studio ?

Only for the serious Linux fanatic who'd rather build his own
operating system from a kit and keep adding to it weekly than buy a
Microsoft or Apple product. But then, aren't all Linux users like

That reads very much like some kind of troll, but I'll give you the
benefit of the doubt.

Whether Linux is the answer really depends on what you want, and what
your priorities are.
Linux has several advantages, and the obvious disadvantages that it
currently expects a technical user rather than any old moron.

What Linux will give you is a system that doesn't require activation
or monthly subscription fees to keep it going (which is what Microsoft
has been wanting to do for a long time).

If one of your PCI cards flakes out and you have to replace it, Linux
won't hold the system hostage like Windows has to me, e.g.:

'You will plug me into the phone line NOW that I may commune with
Microsoft. If you fail to comply, Windows will be destroyed.
You have three earth days.'

And what are you going to do when Microsoft turns off the activation
server for XP? Preventing XP from being able to be installed ever
again is a truly fantastic way to 'persuade' people to upgrade to
Longhorn, or Blackcomb, or whatever the product of the day happens to
be at that point.
Your audio software might not even work on the new version, or it
might be so full to the hilt with DRM that it just can't be used for
audio work at all.

One of Microsoft's grand ideas is to rework the OS so that only
.NET bytecode programs can be run, and thus kept safely in line
through VM sandboxing.
Legacy applications will run inside an x86 VM based on VirtualPC,
which will let you run Doom or whatever, but the performance hit
will totally destroy a softsynth or DAW.

When will you have time to do any recording, or make any music?

The same can often be said of Windows, unfortunately.

However, you can customise the system to a far greater degree
than Windows. If you DO go the torturous route of building the
system up from scratch, you get to choose exactly what runs and when.
You can at a stroke abolish the Windows bugbear of some obscure and
hidden system process that decides to thrash the disk in the middle of a
take, draining the audio buffer and causing dropouts.

But you spoke only of Linux, Windows and the Mac. There is also
a fourth alternative which you have not mentioned, and that is ReactOS.
Sadly it is early days yet, but the promise is of a Windows-compatible
OS without the Sword-Of-Damocles that is Windows Product Activation.

It can be found he

I say again, it is early days. It won't even run on my hardware yet.
But I eagerly await the day when it becomes feature-complete enough
to run Sonar. Then I can rid myself of Windows once and for all.

(O)S tar) wars III started. "the Sword-Of-Damocles that is Windows
Product Activation "

windows xp is the worst os never made... I have xp pro and 2000 pro, I
prefer win2K no doubt !