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Michael Mckelvy
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Default John Mellencamp Attacks President Bush In Open Letter

"Lionel" wrote in message
Sockpuppet Yustabe wrote:

"Lionel" wrote in message

Jacob Kramer wrote:

Here's an excerpt from the letter:

"As the echo of the war drums fades away and the angry masses calling
for blood slowly disperse, we as a nation must now confront the truth.
We face the unpleasant reality of an uncertain future, compromised
safety, a failing economy, and the question of how a society of
otherwise reasonable citizens was systematically lied to and
manipulated into backing the political 'hijacking' of Iraq.

"Before a single bomb was ever dropped, some of us, formerly called
the 'anti-American and unpatriotic,' have questioned or opposed this
war. Now, each day, as the dust settles and the truth slowly surfaces,
more and more people come to the inevitable conclusion of what a
debacle this whole war was.

"Thirty-nine-thousand bombs later, no weapons of mass destruction
uncovered, no dangerous dictators captured, no connection to September
11th. What have we gained but relentless media coverage of a fallen
statue and some stolen oil fields--the spoils of this misadventure.
Not to mention lucrative corporate payoffs and an enormous price tag
of over $80 Billion...some tax cut.

"But what have we lost? We have lost the lives of over 300 Americans.
Approximately two U.S. troop deaths each day, 193 deaths since the war
was declared over. In total, an estimated 20,000 people have died,
thus far, in this conflict."

Is the French wine still flow in Washington streets ?

Dumping French wine that we already bought from you is stupid, stupid,

Agree with you.
It requires sens of sacrifice...
...but less than for sending Boys in a such hostile country.

Better to let Sadaam keep killing innocents?
Most Americans don't think so.
The French governemnt was obviously to afraid of what we'd find there.