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Default John Mellencamp's open Letter

On Thu, 23 Oct 2003 00:24:04 +0200, Lionel


Just a comment from a stupid French guy.
Just to show you how Americans people from all politic are sometime far
out of reality.

Are you surprised now that more than half of the world population hate
America ? ;-)

Then here's something decidingly American that you'll really love.
Why don't you tell us all how grateful you are that we bailed your
sorry, unprepared asses out of world war two, and then allowed you to
join the United Nations despite the fact that half your facist,
anti-semitic countrymen were intermittently shooting at us, and
stealing our critical supplies from North Africa to Normandy?
Cheering crowds in Paris! Right! They would have been cheering
louder had we been marched under your wretched arch on the way to the
death camps.

The French are generally annoying clowns, and nothing more, saddled by
an societal inferiority complex that makes gerg look borderline