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Dr. ludovic mirabel wrote:

Here goes one-out of many- example of the moderating
objectivity, Fidel Castro style.

An invocation extolling unvalidated, unconfirmed by basic research
"testing"goes in as a clinching argument .

Ah, but try and question it!: "We do not allow discussion of ABX"

We only allow it in to end discussions, right?

Ludovic Mirabel

Message 24 in thread

From: Richard )
Subject: Stereophile again!

Date: 2005-01-25 17:00:04 PST

... "The simple answer to all this is to incorporate ABX testing ESPECIALLY
on controversial tweaks. Of course if printing facts were what it is about
then it would be happening already."


Though I don't recall the specifics, but if Bath in fact nominated and
assigned himself to the moderating role for that hilarious group, he
should maintain his dignity by doing the honorable thing and unburden
himself from that responsibility.

He should atone his misdeeds and voluntarily relieve himself from that
post. .


I just ran into an information appearing that it may have been in fact a
voluntary post. I must say though that I've never seen anyone put out
such a wild and wacky show daily filled with sober-minded, gut-busting
clan undulatingly muttering incoherent roar.