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Ty Ford
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On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 21:01:06 -0500, Matt wrote
(in article ):

I'm pretty new to movie sound so forgive my ignorance, but i couldnt
refuse when my friend offered me the job

1) Can anyone give me a good, large source of sound effects and
samples, preferably in cd form? I'm willing so shell out some cash for
these. Websites are ok too, but i'm looking for better quality than
what i've mostly found for free

There are many CD sound effects libraries. Im have a list of the companies on
my site in the articles Archives. Help yourself. Sound Ideas isn't a bad

2) Are shotgun mics the only good option for on-set recording? Even an
sm57 worked pretty well for me (stereo is not a necesity)

For dialog? For ambi?

3) When working with foley, can you guys give me some tips on:

mics--i'm currently working with two oktava mk-012s in a "spaced-omni"
setup, and the gain is pretty cranked. too avoid too much presence, i
use a hi-cut set at about 12k (good/bad idea?)

to record what?

space--here's where my problem is. i have a wooden box of a room.
theres a mattress attached to either side of the doorway, which works
rather well i've found for blocking out the dehumidifier outside. any
suggestions for building a decent temporary isolation?

Thanks for any tips.--MAtt

to record what?


Ty Ford

-- Ty Ford's equipment reviews, audio samples, rates and other audiocentric
stuff are at