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Paul Stamler
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"Steve King" wrote in message

please see my reply to the other guy about the specific problem.
Basically, it's just not capturing the full range of sound that my
ears hear. And people (not you), stop telling me it's the room, the
room is superb, at least to my ears.

Maybe you need to place the microphones where your ears are. That's

the only spot where the instrument sounds like you hear it.

Lest you think he's being sarcastic...he isn't. A microphone up above the
guitar, at about head level, pointing down, can get remarkable results. A
pair of them, on either side, can do well too.

However...I don't know of any recording system, with any microphone, that
can capture everything your ears hear. I don't care what you use, it will
not sound the same. You can get recordings that sound wonderful, that
communicate the joy and sorrow of your music, that are sumptuous and rich
and warm and sparkly and all the things a good guitar can be, but they'll
still be less than what your ears hear. In some ways, the art and science of
recording and playback are still pretty darn primitive.

Oh, and rooms that sound wonderful to the player are often dreadful for
recording. Microphones don't hear the way people do.

That said, you can have a lot of fun. Let's start with a basic question:
what are the dimensions of your room, and is it carpeted?
