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George M. Middius
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Default Phillips said he lied

Booby lied:

+You're+ the liar, and here's the proof:

[snip broken link]
"My gosh! I've been caught in a lie by Mr. Watkins!"

Why don't we see what he admitted he "lied" about?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - begin quote - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

If so, please provide proof of my discussing Howards
sexual performance. Otherwise you lie.

My gosh! I've been caught in a lie by Mr. Watkins! He isn't REALLY
interested in Howard's sexual performance. I'm such a liar. Dirty
dirty liar. Dirty. Filthy. Bad MacGowan, bad! Bad bad bad!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - end quote - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Today we've been graced by long-delayed visits from both the Boobster
and his moronic sidekick Annikunt. Coincidence? And what is Mr. ****
up to today? And why do all the members of the Idiots' Tribe seem
incapable of posting a usable URL? Hmmm......

You clipped the proof that Phillips lied, in effect making
you a liar also. How cheap can you get?

I see there's still no cure for your apparently intractable

BTW, were you thrilled when Krooger jumped in to "help" you? (Trick