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Michael Mckelvy wrote:
"trotsky" wrote in message

Michael Mckelvy wrote:

"trotsky" wrote in message

Robert Morein wrote:

A very succinct summary.
It's the personality, not the speakers, which draws the fire.

"Draws fire?" What happened to "catches fire"? It blows my mind that a
bunch of supposedly grown men sit around and talk trash in this manner.
And, of course, you Bob are the biggest hypocrite of them
all--although that's admittedly a long list. Dogging me with your Brian
McCarty like tactics--amazing. I suppose you're already getting your
just desserts because you're such a bad writer; misery loves company.
The only consolation I have is that even a whole newsgroup of beatoffs
and anonymice can't stand toe to toe with me. Oh, and that I've got an
excellent product and you don't. That's got to really burn you, eh Bob?

They've stood toe to toe and beat the living **** out of you. You're


to stupid to know it.

Please explain in detail the precautions you took to prevent your
speakers from catching fire, Mickey.


I use components in the xover that are rated for more than they will be
called upon for.

Now this is interesting: are you claiming that there are crossover
components you can use that are particularly flammable?