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Stereophile: "The Audio World Is Aroused"
From: Kalman Rubinson
Date: 11/28/2004 10:38 AM Pacific Standard Time

On 28 Nov 2004 17:33:02 GMT,
(Lasse) wrote:

"Harry Lavo" wrote in message


Mr. Atkinson is under no obligation to test
or defend Shakti stones or any other piece of audio exotica.

Maybe things are different in US, but here in Europe editor
of a magazine is responsible for everything that is written
in the magazine. In my opinion it is therefore quite natural
to address Mr. Atkinson about the questionable content:

Even in a journal of opinion? Don't the Europeans tolerate a range of
opinions? ;-)

In Stereophile, all reviews bear a byline of the writer and the
opinions expressed are those of the writer and not the magazine, its
editors or publishers.

Thank you for pointing out what should be the obvious. It baffles me that some
people cannot grasp this idea much less embrace it. The idea that the editor of
a subjectiv e review magazine has to repeat the audition proccess of every
review of every piece of equipment and concur with the conclusions is absurd.