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From: "Michael McKelvy"
Date: 11/26/2004 5:15 PM Pacific Standard Time
Message-id: et

"S888Wheel" wrote in message
From: "Michael McKelvy"

Date: 11/26/2004 1:18 PM Pacific Standard Time
Message-id: et

"S888Wheel" wrote in message
From: "Trevor Wilson"

Date: 11/25/2004 12:38 PM Pacific Standard Time

I know it is not scientific, nor even independently verified as
Nevertheless, it provides an interesting starting point for discussion.

Trevor Wilson

And to think Mikey was taking issue with Michael Moore's claim that
are stupid. Clearly most are.

If being religious makes you stupid, then clearly most of the world is.

Most of the populations of most of the first world countries do not suffer
this mass stupidity over evolution and science in general.

Can you cite any evidence for this belief?

I'm sure I could with a little search on line. I'm not going to bother unless
to tell me you think that Europe has the same phenomenon of a majority of
people believing in creationism.

Most of Europe is Christian, is
it not?

Not fundimentalists who don't believe life evolved. That is actually quite rare
in Europe.

Do they not believe in creationism?

Very very few.

The rest of the world is
pretty much either Muslim, Budist, or Hindu, all of which have some sort of
creation myth do they not?

Myth yes. And there are fundimentalist Muslems and Jews that also take their
respective bibles literally. They are also a minority amoung Jews and Muslems.
Just as fundimentalist Christians are amoung first world Christians, excluding
the U.S.

It isn't about
religion it is about rational thought.

For me religion is the opposite of rational thought.

You paint religion with a rather big brush. What, for instance, do you find
irrational about Deism? You know, the common religious belief held by our
forefathers who formed this nation.

Clearly rational thought is painfully
lacking in America.

Depends on what you're talking about. If you mean as it pertains to
allowing people to live their lives and make a living, I'd say we're doing

Are you not following the thread? I was clearly talking about the rational
thought that would preclude the belief in such primative superstitions as the
literal belief in Genesis.

Regarding political discourse, not so much.

I wasn't talking about that either.

That should be cause for concern. It also seems to confirm
that which you were so upset about. Looks like Michael Moore pegged our
nation's people. Why were you so upset about it?

I'm not upset by that in and of itself. It's the sneering, smarmy, way he
looks down his nose at those who don't buy his jaundiced views.

You seemed to be particularly bothered by his comment that Americans are
stupid. Now you are not upset by it? Hmmm.

It's also
his dishonesty. If what he believes is true he should be able to make his
case much more honestly, with out the editing. I've not read any objective
critique of his work that finds his methods to honest or even making a
pretense at objectivity.

Then why make such an issue over his assertion that Americans are stupid? It
looks pretty accurate at this point.

I think he's a prefect example of a lack of rational thought.

Funny, you get that a lot too. Opinions abound. IMO one has to be quite
ignorant, quite stupid or quite scared to belive in creationism.