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Tzortzakakis Dimitrios
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Yeah-one slight problem-this unit has probably 25,000 hours of operation
behind it-so 1 cent for each hour it has worked.I got a used old stereo
record player, and it wouldn't play properly, it was skipping.Then I had
paid 30,000 drachmas, also 90 todays euro.

Dimitris Tzortzakakis,Iraklion Crete,Greece
major in electrical engineering
freelance electrician
dimtzort AT otenet DOT gr
? "trippin28track" ?????? ??? ??????
m... Nam

this has got to be one of the coolest 8-track decks I ever saw, it
plays both 8-TRACK TAPE CARTRIDGES and CASSETTE TAPES, in the same
player. I have fully tested and played both modes with tapes, they
both work. And it comes with the original OWNERS' MANUAL. Imagine
this in your modern minivan or sedan, to augment your CD or DVD
player. Someone has an 8-track tape or cassette, NO PROBLEM, pop it
in and play it ! Also great for older car restorations. This unit
will enable you to play EITHER of the popular auto tape formats of the