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paul packer wrote:
In your mind. In their mind they have the high moral ground. But even
if the US does have it momentarily, how long will it keep it at the
present rate? If you're really interested in moral ground, you'll be
deploring the torure of prisoners as vehemently as I do.

I don't like the torture, but we are in no danger of losing the
moral high ground when we are fighting those that hijack airplanes,
cuase skyscrapers to come crashing to the ground, hold children
nostages in their schools, shoot children in the back, and behead civilians.

I don't see any moral outrage from the libs, each time
another dispicable act occurs. That's because I don't think
there is any moral outrage against terrorism, from the left.
All I see is complaints about prisoner abuse.

One thing doesn't negate the other. I'm sickened by what the
terrorists have done. No sane person could be other than outraged by
what happened in Russia. And as for beheading prisoners, I have no
words. Even as I write this I'm watching one of the US prisoners
crying and begging for his life. It's inhuman and evil. But does it
justify the torture of prisoners? Hardly.

He has already said that all the tortured prisonners were terrorists (an
Arab doesn't need any judgment to be declared terrorist), so why are you
insisting now ?